Monday 10 July 2017

Trading Post Online Ohio

Dimana Ohioans datang ke penawaran amp quotwheel quot Iklan Gratis - Jual Beli Perdagangan Anywhere Di Ohio The Ohio Trading Post menggunakan situs jejaring sosial Facebook dan Yahoo Groups untuk memberi anggota pasar unik dan eksklusif untuk membeli barang dagang dari barang antik ke real estat OTP Jaringan telah membeli menjual kelompok perdagangan untuk masing-masing dari 88 Ohio county, ditambah bagian West Virginia dan Southeast Indiana's Ohio Antiques Buy menjual barang-barang antik perdagangan di grup perdagangan antik OTP Networks Now Parting Buy menjual perdagangan menggunakan suku cadang mobil di OTP Networks sendiri. Kelompok gerai sampah online Beli menjual mobil perdagangan, truk, perabotan, barang antik, barang rumah tangga, peralatan pertanian, hewan peliharaan, ternak, ATV, peralatan, barang elektronik, kapal Jaringan OTP menggunakan grup Facebook Yahoo untuk memberi pilihan iklan unik dan produktif kepada anggota. Jual Beli Perdagangan di Facebook Posting iklan gambar dan berinteraksi dengan pelanggan tidak bisa lebih mudah lagi di Facebook dan Jaringan OTP memiliki grup jual beli jual beli facebook untuk setiap daerah Ohio. Bergabung dengan salah satu grup kami hanya dengan beberapa klik untuk anggota facebook. Jika Anda bukan anggota facebook, kunjungi salah satu grup perdagangan Trading Post China untuk mendaftar Buy Sell Trade di Yahoo Jaringan OTP berada di tahun ke 10 pada kelompok yahoo. Saat Anda mengeposkan iklan ke situs iklan yang paling rahasia, Anda harus menunggu seseorang mengunjungi situs tersebut untuk melihat iklan Anda. Tapi saat Anda mengeposkan grup Post Trading Ohio, iklan Anda diposkan ke situs dan juga dikirim melalui email ke semua anggota. Ribuan anggota akan menerima iklan Anda melalui email saat diposkan. Bayangkan ribuan anggota Ohio mendapatkan email yang memberitahukan apa yang Anda miliki untuk penjualan Anda tidak perlu menjadi anggota untuk melihat iklannya, tapi Anda harus bergabung untuk mengirim iklan dan menerima email. Terima kasih telah mengunjungi Jaringan OTP. Saya tidak memulai situs ini karena kemampuan komputer saya yang hebat, saya memulainya karena saya menyukai penanganan roda. Jika Anda melakukannya juga, ini adalah tempat untuk Anda. Saya harap Anda menikmatinya dan sering kembali. Doug dougohiotradingpost Sekarang Di tahun ke 10 Ribuan anggotaSale - Ban, 4 Goodyear Futura P25565R18 60 untuk 4 4 Umum Altimax RT 23550R18, 4 untuk 80. (740) 699-0511 setelah 5:30 Sale - jaket kulit imitasi barat gaya, sz . 42R, jaket kulit wanita serupa sz. Med. 60 ea. Atau keduanya untuk 100 skateboard baru Aeroflyte, sz. 10-12 berwarna hitam. (304) 652-2110 Dijual - Ban, (2) Goodyear Eagle RSA 19560R15 50 untuk keduanya (4) LT27565R20 Michelin LTX AT2, 60 untuk semua 4. (740) 699-0511 Dijual - 2013 HD Street Glide, 8500 mls. 15.500 obo Mesin berat kabel, seperti kondisi baru 200. (304) 810-4260, 304-281-0226 Dijual - Meja biliar dengan khaki felt, kaki clawfoot, kemeja hazelnut, kantong kulit, bola biliar stik amp termasuk. 2500 obo. (304) 240-9448 Dijual - 3 kursi dapur dengan kastor, 10 masing-masing printer nirkabel Lexmark 25 Sofa ruang tamu berbunga, bentuknya bagus. (304) 238-6917 Sale - 2001 Pontiac Sunfire, jendela berwarna, atap matahari, 500. (740) 359-3517 Sale - 2003 HD Roadking, model ulang tahun, 29k mls. Sangat baik cond. 10.000 obo 1980 American Eagle tour bus, generator diesel, lampu, pertimbangkan perdagangan, 6000. (304) 639-7726 Dijual - Toshiba Regza 40quot kelas 1080P, 120hz TV Nordic Track GX 2.0 sepeda latihan tegak, NIB, 260 tempat duduk TV hitam, bubuk Baja mantel, NIB. (740) 260-0114 Dijual - 2007 HD Ultra Classic, cherry hitam, hampir 30.000 diinvestasikan, 13.250 mls. Tahap 1 kit EC, 12.500 perusahaan. (304) 564-5533 Wanted - Papan papan plester, setengah muatan truk, mengeluarkan tali jenis rami 4 kursi dapur yang kokoh, semuanya masuk akal. (740) 633-9627 Dijual - Mebel antik, mesin kasir, mesin tambahan, gambar, barang pecah belah, lampu, perlengkapan listrik, dan masih banyak lagi. (740) 676-9416 Dijual - Beige suade med yang indah. Lapisan bulu wbrown bulu, 50 buku masak Hardback, baru, 5 masing-masing. (740) 635-1786 Dijual - Cub cadet rear tine tiller, model motor RT-65 Honda GC-190, digunakan 2 kali, biaya 875, terjual 575 perusahaan. (740) 312-2242 Dijual - Toro merek snowblower, 2 siklus 1981 Honda C70 paspor motor wnew baterai, perlu tune-up. (740) 582-5234 Tinggalkan pesan Dijual - 1964 Chevy Belair dan bagian Impala, spatbor, pintu, tempat duduk, bemper, spatbor dalam, radiator panggangan, terlalu banyak untuk dicantumkan. (740) 630-7171 Dijual - Sepatu metatarsal, satu pasang hitam, satu pasangan coklat, 11-m, 11-D, baru, 50 untuk keduanya. (740) 769-7466 Wanted - 1963 Buku tahun SMA Adena, akan membayar 50. Panggilan malam hari (740) 546-3406 Dijual - Item restoran, 6 meja, kursi baru, steamer hot dog, mesin es, tudung 76quot wfan, iklan Microwave, banyak lagi. (304) 686-3525 Dijual - (4) ban 2157015, tapak yang sangat bagus 100 pengering gas Maytag 50 2 meja ujung dan meja kopi 75. (304) 845-0883 Dijual - Kondisi pengering gas yang baik, 90. (740) 676- 1428 SaleTrade - 31 trailer untuk truk mobil amp, roda 5 untuk truk, rel ampel, landai, siap untuk menarik, sangat bagus, 4000. (304) 559-5640 Dijual - kotak peralatan pelat berlian Aluminium, 2 pintu truk ukuran menengah 100 obo . (304) 845-3129 Dijual - 5 gl. Kaleng bensin, 6 rumah Beton Jepang, 40 Mens lg. Dilipat dalam lapisan lapisan, tan, seperti baru, 20. (740) 695-9685 Dijual - jaket tentara Perang Dunia II, mantel atas pendek, tutup, tambalan, dll. (740) 676-9437 biarkan mesg. Dijual - Motor Honda VTX1330R 2007, 2k mls. Loadd, 5500 1993 Corvette coupe, driver harian, 350ci, auto. 7500. (304) 830-3478 Tinggalkan pesan Dijual - 1978 Ford F-250 pickup, 8 cyl. Sangat bagus, 4 spd. 101.732 mls 400 ci motor, 10.000 obo. (740) 671-0743 Perdagangan - Seperti PlayStation 1 yang baru, sistem yang lengkap, untuk perahu bowling terbuka atau fixer atas terbuka. (740) 582-2681 Jual - 2002 Honda XR50R dirt bike, berjalan bagus, 600 obo. (304) 238-8684 Setelah jam 5 siang Dijual - 5000 generator tahan lama, berjalan dengan baik, membutuhkan o-ring di tangki bensin, 150 obo pemindai balap Bearcat Nascar, 2 headset, 75. (724) 747-6054 Dijual - bir bir meister sejati Item, topi, stiker, tanda, gesper, ember, lentera, korek zippo, topi keras, sepatu bot, banyak barang. (740) 671-9744 Dijual - 2007 Kobalt merusak kerusakan depan wmin, memiliki bagian untuk diganti, 950 daun pohon palem akhir 1800an 50 ea. (304) 810-4377 Dijual - 2008 Pontiac G6, 4 pintu, judul R, 160.000 mls. Berjalan, drive yang sangat baik, beberapa penyok, tidak ada karat, ban baru, 4 silinder. 2000. (304) 686-2339 Dijual - 2004 Ford Explorer, 4000. (304) 280-7858 Jual - 24 bola lampu ESB 20 min. Penyamakan tempat tidur dengan spiral facialarm bulbs, dig. Kipas arus wair timer, bantal kepala, kacamata, larutan pembersih, lotion tanning acak, 1500 obo. (304) 559-8018 Sale - 19quot Sylvania TV 10 19quot Symphonic TV 10, atau jual keduanya seharga 15. (304) 398-4230 Sale - 2013 Can Am 1000, 1200 mls. Suspensi udara naik, ps. Winch, kompresor udara, ban, exc. Cond. (304) 771-6259 meninggalkan mesg. Jual - 2002 GMC tempat tidur truk pendek, sesuai dengan GMC atau Chevy, tidak ada lubang, beberapa karat 400. (304) 455-1044 Jual - 1990 Ford Bronco, 4x4, 2 pintu, 5.0 mesin, mobil. trans. Menjalankan exc. Pintu belakang berkarat, ban sangat bagus, 1700 obo. (304) 889-2263 Dijual - 10 digunakan pintu kayu solid, 4 dan 6 panel, lebar 30-36quot, 15 masing-masing obo. (740) 472-0672 Jual - Browning bar rifle 30-06 Belgia membuat semi otomatis. Kal. 30-06, klip ekstra, 750. (304) 455-1126 Dijual - kompresor udara profesional Coleman, kipas angin, besi cor. 5 hp. 20 galon tangki, kondisi bagus, 220. (304) 771-1711 Dijual - 2006 Honda 300EX 4 wheeler, new carb. Disetel, berjalan dengan baik 1800. (304) 771-1128 Dijual - 1999 VW turbo Beetle, 5 spd. 151K mls. Tidak ada karat, sangat bersih, daya segalanya, 1900 obo. (740) 296-1699 Dijual - Kursi pengangkat, yang digunakan 2 bulan, untuk orang kecil, akan menegosiasikan harga, 500 Berbagai perkakas tangan, seperti sekrup baru, kunci pengunci, kunci pas, dll. (740) 676-2016 Dijual - Pintu shower kaca dengan tawas. Bingkai, tidak pernah dipakai, masih dalam kotak, pas di bukaan pintu, 25x73-12. (740) 340-7275 Wanted - Sideshow atau Hot Toys, terutama dari film Star Wars. (304) 650-1429 Dijual - 2011 RAZR 800 oranye kegilaan, Edisi Terbatas, banyak akses amp yang menyenangkan, jual karena saya membeli SXS baru, 8350. (304) 845-1430 Sale - Toshiba E-studio 170f mesin faks Savin Mesin fotokopi 816, kondisi bagus. (304) 845-1525, 304-845-8176 Dijual - Tempat tidur kembar di atas futon, 100 minyak negara Quaker minyak amp oil pump Kompor gas Vintage. (304) 280-9504 Dijual - 2004 Hyundai Elantra, stiker baru, rem ban bagus, banyak suku cadang baru, 134k mls. Bisa diandalkan, 1800 obo (304) 336-4164 Dijual - Jazzy Elite skuter bermotor, kondisi baru, 600. (304) 559-1194 Dijual - 8 tempat tidur Chevy, 450 3 kabinet baru, 130 mesin cuci, 125 panah, 75 pengering, 75 kabinet China, 150. (740) 296-4373 Dijual - Remington Nylon 66 Seneca hijau, 600 model Mossberg 695, 12 ga. 250. (330) 340-6352 Dijual - Pemanas lantai gas, 27.000 BTU, sistem kipas mobil, 125. (304) 547-5450 Dijual - mantel kayu ek Victoria berusia 115 tahun dengan kolom cermin, lengkap, indah, harus terlihat menghargai, Pertanyaan serius saja, 2200. (740) 546-3732 Dijual - 2002 Dodge Dakota, 4.7 mesin, 4wd. 4dr. Derek pckg. Bed liner, Tahoe Cover, bentuk bagus, 7000. (740) 695-4673 Jual - 1986 tempat tidur nyenyak 12 ton pendek, motor Camaro dengan cam cam bekas. Sangat baik cond. 6500 1979 Mercury XR-7, 48k mls. Mobil yang indah, 6000. (740) 219-0614 Dijual - Kelinci singa kelinci, umur 8 minggu, 15 obo masing-masing. (304) 554-3454 Dijual - 55 gl. Laras minyak dengan pumper, 50 tutup Fiberglass untuk S10 atau Sonoma, 100 pelek 15 sen untuk 89 Toyota Corolla. (740) 579-1766 Dijual - (2) Motor Ford F150 4x4, 1-V6 otomatis, 1-V6 5 spd. Standar, reg. Taksi, 8 tempat tidur, keduanya 5500 obo. (740) 859-6252 Dijual - mantel Vintage, cat harimau yang dicat, butuh kerja amp tlc, 100 obo. (740) 635-3636 Penjualan Malam - 2003 Dodge Ram, 4dr. Baterai baru, 128k mls. Trailer hitch, papan berjalan, banyak bagian baru, 3800. (304) 277-2385 Sale - New Bergen one-man transit leveling system di dalam kotak, harganya 1000, menjual 750 perusahaan. Panggilan malam hari (740) 296-3251 Jual - 2002 Toyota Tundra, taksi akses terbatas, 4wd, V8, 154 ribu mls. Exc. Cond. 8,150 wout cap, 8,550 wcap. (740) 635-1901 Jual - Fiberglass Tonneau cover, cocokkan roda aluminium Aluminium Aluminium 2008-2017 untuk Jeep Wrangler. (304) 243-4733 Sale - Rought cut oak timbers, panjang 3x9x70, 15 masing-masing penyebar pupuk rumput biasa, digunakan sekali, 15. (740) 859-4395 Dijual - Ruang Rugbi Amerika Baru 243 wweaver, 400 New 338 Winchester magnum rifle wleopold Ruang lingkup, 500. (304) 398-5339 Dijual - Pakaian anak perempuan, ukuran 10-12, celana pendek, kaos, pjs. Banyak merek yang berbeda, exc. Cond. Harus mengambil semua, 50. (740) 472-5510 Dijual - 2008 Harley 1200 custom, 13k mil, tas amp winshield dilepas, 5000 perusahaan. (740) 213-1135 Dicari - Tempat tidur bayi yang bagus dan bekas, masuk akal. (740) 472-5107 Jual - 2001 Harley Davidson low rider, cat custom, 6500. (304) 815-1456 atau (304) 775-2540 Dijual - Seperti baru (4) ban cakar Arktik bertali, 200 obo. (304) 639-7664 Dijual - 3 ponsel Pereda rumput gas Pengrajin gulir melihat alat tenaga Springer Bow amp arrow dalam kasus 2 bangku kerja. (304) 845-4432 Wanted - Tempat tidur rumah sakit, listrik, perlu satu agar seluruh tempat tidur akan turun ke lantai, masuk akal. (304) 233-9788 Sale - Puppies, 34 Gembala Australia, 14Collie, tembakan dan cacing, 75 masing-masing. (740) 391-0046 Dijual - 6 sisi meja w4 kursi empuk pada kastor, meja datar datar datar yang membalik menjadi hijau terasa tertutup meja poker 250 obo. (304) 280-4670 Wanted - Untuk membeli senjata sadapan 220 siput, stok hitam, laras biru. (740) 635-1473 Dijual - WoodChuck tungku kayu dalam ruangan atau kompor batubara, 17 dari tiga pipa dinding dan bebek indoor, 1500 obo. (304) 905-8892 Dijual - 2006 Focus wagon, 4 cyl. mobil. Udara, sarat, garasi dijaga, terpelihara dengan baik, 77k mls. Exc. Cond. 6000 perusahaan. (304) 527-1224 Dijual - Model 94 tuas pusat api senapan, edisi terbatas kelas tinggi, senapan senapan, senapan laras 26quot, winchester, 30-30 kaliber, 1600. (304) 547-5859 Dijual - kursi cinta malas , Kulit hitam, berbaring di kedua ujungnya, 500 267 kaset VCR, segala jenis film, 600. (304) 889-3126 Dijual - Motor Chevy C30 1988, semuanya bekerja, ban baru, tidur 2-4, 20 panjang. (304) 242-3583 setelah jam 5 sore. Dijual - Patio furniture dari Sears, meja octogon, 6 kursi, 2 putar, kursi meja bundar 1-sm w2, karpet 1-10x10, 350. (740) 738-0887 Dijual - 1986 Honda 450, bentuk bagus, 850 3 ekor kambing kerdil. (740) 769-1408 Dijual - Fender truk Ford yang baru, 150 keduanya 1956 Olds, 2-dr, 58k mls. Eksterior merah amp putih, interior putih amp hitam, 15.000. (740) 635-2876 Dijual - MP15SW, NIB, tidak pernah dipecat, ekstra, 700 06 Honda 750 Shadow, penyok di tangki, 1100. (740) 633-2321 Dijual - 2010 GMC Sierra SLE 4x4 kotak wtool taksi yang diperpanjang, 12.000. (304) 215-5315 Wanted - Drum snare tua, set drum bass, Ludwig, Slingerland dll. (740) 695-6211 leave msg. Jual - 2001 Harley Fatboy, 5.687 mls. Krom ekstra, kaca depan, VGC, 7500. (740) 425-2379 Wanted - Motor tempel bensin tempel wtitle Trade PlayStation 1 dengan tambahan untuk sepeda motor trail. (740) 325-6088 Dijual - 39 buku roman edisi khusus silhoutte, bersih, exc. Cond. 50 sen masing-masing atau 15 untuk semua Porta potty, 20. (304) 232-8295 Dijual - (4) 285-45-22 ban dengan pelek krom untuk ban Dodge 1500, 150 (4) 265-70-17, 40. ( 740) 695-0520 Tinggalkan pesan Dijual - Sofa dan kursi empuk, warna krem ​​medium, kondisi bagus, 400. (304) 780-6210 (724) 263-1809 Jual - Mossberg 185D baut action, 20 ga. Kliping, modifikasi tersedak, pertanyaan serius saja, 195. (740) 359-8121 Dijual - Kursi sofa dan cinta, seperti baru, 3 meja akhir yang cocok, meja dapur dan kursi, 200 kursi goyang kayu, 40. (740) 526- 6647 Wanted - Orang yang memanggil saya dari Area Danau Seneca tentang fender John Deere, hubungi saya, saya kehilangan nomor telepon Anda. (740) 968-7279 Wanted - Mencari jarak tempuh rendah mobil Honda fit. (740) 338-8116 Dijual - Harley Softail bagian untuk tahun 2000-2006 softail, blk, tur-pak wsolo mount dan backpad, 600. (304) 280-8336 Dijual - Cover kargo belakang cocok 2010-2015 Cadillac SRX amp 2006-2011 Saab 9-3 Aero Wagon, 75. (304) 277-1840 Dijual - Beberapa nama merek gitar whard shell case, semua kondisi prima. (304) 277-2473 Dijual - Lemari obat Oak, 15 Pengrajin 10 ton pembumih kayu log, 75 jack bumper udara, 100. 304 3043667 Dijual - 2009 Yamaha VS650 klasik, abu arang, tas pelana, banyak krom, 2573 mls Selalu garaged, exc. Cond. Bisa email pics 3500 obo. (740) 733-8310 Dijual - HD Ultra Classic, 24k mls. Kelelawar baru, bahan bakar yang disuntikkan, banyak tambahan, terjaga dengan baik, 7800 atau diperdagangkan untuk Fat Boy. (740) 238-8696 Dijual - Ruger mini 14 target, seperti baru, laminasi hitam, stok lubang jempol, hanya panggilan serius (740) 633-1727 Dijual - 2 set pegangan Pach Mayr, 1 baru, 1 digunakan, untuk Ruger hitam Hawk, 30. (740) 314-7072 Dijual - 115.000 btu minyak tanah torpedo torpedo 150 Pengrajin 10quot tableaw 150 Pengrajin 12quot miter melihat 150 Craftsman 80 gal. Kompresor udara 75. (304) 337-8952 Dijual - Sofa, tan dengan hijau, cetak bunga marun, VGC, 150 pintu shower, double slide, 57quotx56quot, seperti baru, 55. (304) 780-1328 Dijual - 2 set ban 1956515 kondisi prima, 100 masing-masing set obo 3 gelombang mikro, seperti yang baru, tidak ada turntable, 40 masing-masing. (740) 526-1330 Dijual - mesin pemotong rumput Husqvarna dengan motor 26hp dan dek 54quot, auto. trans. Berjalan dan mound bagus, kondisinya sangat bagus 1200. (740) 213-2805 Dijual - (2) 55gl. Tank, 25 masing-masing obo untuk keduanya. (304) 829-4530 Jual - 1994 tempat tidur pendek 2wd. Chevy pick-up, Tiarra Coachman membangun truk, radiator baru, jalur rem baru, distributor baru, kemiringan, udara, pelayaran, 3500. (740) 213-3395 Dijual - Bughield asap dan ventilasi jendela untuk taksi dan setengah tahun 2015 Chevy Silverado, Lepas landas seperti baru, 125. (740) 213-2275 Dijual - 2011 Toyota Camry LE, 11k mls. Ban baru, rem, dan rotor, kaca depan baru, cond besar. 7000 obo. (304) 281-2663 Dijual - 2.2 Motor Cavalier, 125 Step bumper, 60 Beberapa tailgates, 50 (2) 8 holes rims, 50. (740) 968-1610 Dijual - trailer 4x8, tempat tidur miring, rak yang bisa dilepas, Lampu, jalan siap, 375. (740) 968-2999 Dijual - Sistem penyapu vakum Kirby Avalir yang baru, termasuk Sistem sampo, 895. (304) 455-2423 Dijual - 1979 Firebird, auto. 80.228 mls 301 motor, berjalan bagus, termasuk kapsul termasuk, org. Roda salju, 4000. (740) 934-2099 Dijual - Polaris Ranger XP 900 bagian, 4 as, minyak, rak sakit kepala, sendi bola, ujung batang dasi, trans. Kuk dan sendi universal, lebih 400 perusahaan. (304) 771-8899 Dijual - 2005 merah Jeep Wrangler X, 4.0L, 6 spd. Ban baru di roda Racing Amerika, banyak ekstra, sangat bersih. (740) 472-5643 Dijual - 1980 Chevy truk tilt kemudi kolom dan roda dengan kunci 1980 Ford truk pengemudi pintu samping. (740) 228-2396 Peralatan latihan Free - Dp Ultra Gympac Frigidaire Gallery 30quot electric range yang Anda keluarkan dari ruang bawah tanah dan jarak jauh. (304) 455-4232 Dijual - Amerika Selatan naik traktor, potongan 42quot, 16,5 hp. 250. (304) 455-6025 setelah 4 penjualan - Meja kayu solid vintage padat, 36quot deep, ampelas lebar 60quot 30quot, bentuk bagus, 7 laci, 325 obo. (304) 771-1323 Jual - 2000 Toyota Tundra terbatas, ext. Taksi, ban baru, rak, starter, stiker, berjalan seperti baru, tidak berkarat, 162k mls. 6995. (304) 771-2742 Dijual - Kandang ayam 6x8 kayu dengan atap timah dan 4 jendela, bangunan tergelincir, memiliki 8 kotak sarang, termasuk 8 ayam ras bertelur ayam 775. (740) 458-0523 Dijual - Permadani, 100 2001 Harley, 9000 cincin Masonik, 400 jaket kulit, 100 meja Router, 50. (740) 676-3415 Dijual - perahu Bass, 1990 Stratos bass Perahu 285 pro 1995 1995 Javelin, 50hp, Johnson 1975 trailer tri-gandar, pompa sampah Tahoe baru. (304) 845-8266 (304)843-5017 Dijual - 1986 Pontiac Parisienne, 4dr. Bentuknya bagus, garasi dijaga, 3.000. (740) 795-4225 Dijual - sofa sewaan berusia 4 bulan wottoman, dibayar di atas 1300, harga negot. (304) 338-7173 Jual - Weslo treadmill 400CS kondisi baik, 100 SS double sink dengan faucets, 50 Kenmore mocrowave oevn, bekerja dengan baik 40. (740) 795-4343 Wanted - Picture frames, 8x10 or 5x7, lebih kecil atau lebih besar, digunakan Atau baru untuk hadiah Natal (304) 232-8047 meninggalkan mesg. Dijual - 1994 Ford F-250 4x4, 5.8L, 5 spd. 114.000 mls. Berjalan baik, bodi kasar 1500. (304) 775-5302 Dijual - 2004 truk tipe E-450 diesel 6,0, berjalan tapi butuh kerja mesin 180.000 mls. 4000 wbed atau 2500 tanpa tempat tidur. (304) 780-7238 Dijual - perahu Bass Hound 10.2, 2 seater, hidup dengan baik, motor troli, 2 dayung, 600. (304) 639-9890 Dijual - Kotak peralatan truk aluminium Delta, perangkat keras stainless, bukaan samping, 2 kunci, alat Nampan, tidak bocor, bentuknya bagus, 150. (740) 795-4782 Lost - Tetapkan kunci di sekitar Kantor Pos dan Cave Club di Center Wheeling. (304) 845-0704, 304-639-8372 Dijual - Set dari 4 Telletubbies, Dipsey, Po, Lala amp Tinky Winky, kondisi mint, 20 untuk keseluruhan rangkaian. (304) 312-1736 Dijual - Vermont Casting konveksi besar Belanda barat konveksi woodburner, kaca depan, blower 2 kecepatan, kondisi baik 500. (740) 676-7221 Dijual - 36 tangga ekstensi kayu 40. (724) 447-2767 Dijual - Kayu Meja makan w2 daun dan 5 kursi 125 obo. (304) 243-9518 Dijual - 2004 Honda 600 Shadow motor, 3000. (740) 359-8768 Dijual - Maytag Neptunus beban depan mesin cuci dan pengering wstand 1000. (304) 845-0396 setelah 5 Dijual - Kelinci, uang hitam, Lahir 23 November 2016 10. (304) 686-2104 Dijual - (2) Jumat JITH melewati 150 lemari pakaian 4 laci 30 1993 Chevy truck bed 300 sekumpulan dompet 15 Lampu depan dari 2000 Lumina 30. (740) 298-3768 Dijual - Lemari Gun memegang 10 senjata 25 lemari es TV 30 meja kopi warna ceri 100 kursi anyaman rotan 10. (740) 795-5891 Dijual - Kuda Roda 520-H, 20 hp. Drive hidrolik dan lift, dek 42kelas, 750 jam, 1300 2 pukulan salju panggung. Untuk tambahan 600, semua dalam kondisi bagus. (724) 554-5754 Dijual - senapan Amerika Ruger .243 stok hitam baru 330. (304) 312-4703 Dijual - Chevy 282 stroker kit, 97 blok truk, 4 baut, engkol utama, batang, piston puncak balap kepala aluminium . (304) 317-1950 Dijual - 2001 Volvo V70T gerobak, turbo, alternator, kompresor AC, guncangan wmount, rem, hub roda, diganti. Bersih, 3200. (304) 780-6345 Dijual - Flat steamer trunk, kebutuhan diperbaharui 100 84quot 3 sofa bantal, kotak-kotak biru, cond yang sangat bagus. Baru 650, jual 200. (740) 325-1007 Dijual - 40 galon tangki air panas listrik, digunakan 1-12 tahun 100 (4) 2556518 ban salju bertabur, digunakan satu musim dingin, 300. (304) 650-0467 Gratis - Batu pasir Wastafel stasioner ganda Watcher mobil besar Berdiri ring basket. (304) 233-8684 Jual - Ruger 2245 stainless .22 pistol otomatis, laras laras laras 5,5 tuang versi wbox, pertanyaan serius saja, 275. (740) 296-5137 Dijual - Remington 597, 22 mag. NIB, 450 Winchester model 70, 30-06 Govt, 1400. (740) 676-3453 Dijual - Winchester 94-22 Pramuka Amerika Comm. 1500 Marlin 444 JM, 24quot barrel, 1100. (740) 310-1911 Dijual - Chevy van Chevy Express 2012, dari Florida, 111k mls. Berjalan hebat, tidak ada masalah, 9500. (304) 845-8063 Penjualan - taksi awak Ram, tempat tidur pendek, seri tanda tangan Trifecta, penutup Tonneau, TV layar datar Sony 32quot yang baru, 25. (304) 845-0381 Sale - CPAP Mesin Air Sense 10, sangat bersih, exc. Kondisi, hampir tidak digunakan (304) 281-1519 Dijual - 7ft. Pisau 3 pt. Halangan, seperti baru (304) 232-3869 Dijual - Jeep Putih Grand Cherokee, kit angkat, pelek aluminium bagus, beberapa memakai ban, tidak ada judul, akan membuat truk bagian besar, 500 obo. (304) 398-5271 Dijual - 2006 PT Cruiser, edisi tur, wiper belakang baru, guncangan baru ampli baterai, 117k mls. 1600. (740) 827-8384 Dijual - Fender Hot rod gitar gitar deville, 60 watt, speaker 4-10quot, sangat bagus. 450 Fender Blues Jr. amp, 15 watt, speaker 1-12quot, 250. (304) 843-2647 Dijual - Vintage ukuran penuh meja komputer kayu wwooden merpati lubang atas rak Lawnboy 21quot tawas. Dek mesin pemotong (304) 845-7541 Dijual - Chevy van Chevy Express 2012, 40k mls. Kondisi sangat bagus, 1 pemilik, pemanas ekstra di belakang, 22.000 obo. (304) 815-4794 Dijual - Kursi komputer, tanpa lengan, putar, sandaran kayu belakang kulit belakang, 75 kursi aksen bambu yang baru, bagus 50. (304) 845-4413 Dijual - pengrajin traktor w42quot mesin pemotong rumput, jalan dan potongan, 250. 724) 484-0411 Dijual - John Deere excavator, 690 B, berjalan dan bekerja hebat, 14.000 asrama kecil refr. 30 penuh sz. Refr. 100. (304) 281-3777 Dijual - RZR kaca depan penuh, baru, radio stereo AMM 200 untuk sisi-by-side, baru, 100 bingkai tempat tidur ukuran Ratu, baru, 80. (304) 232-2243 Dijual - 2003 Pontiac Grand Am, 118.000 mls. Mesin, bodi dan ban bagus, harus laku, 1800 obo. (304) 233-3418 meninggalkan mesg. Dijual - Empat ban Bridgestone salju, Bridgestone Blizzek, sz. 21550R17 hanya menggunakan 2 musim dingin 200. (304) 639-5408 Dijual - Klock Werks kaca depan berkapasitas 5 senar, pas 14-17 Harley FLH, digunakan satu kali 100. (304) 830-1316 Dijual - 2 ban gletser gletser baru, 20575R14, 100, (2) 2357515 40 1990 Fender truk Dodge D-150, tidak ada karat 75 Pass. Side front drive shaft D150 Dodge 50. (304) 337-2233 Free - Kumpulan buku ensiklopedia dan buku kerajinan anak. (304) 455-3764 Dijual - Tempat tidur anjing, 36quotx48quot, busa 4quot, dibayar 119, jual 30 rak Pakaian di atas roda, 10 novel Amish, masing-masing 1. (740) 782-1478 Dijual - 12 ga. Hampt laras laras rebus, 250 9mm Lugar, otomatis. Baru 300 100 kapak, dalam kondisi baik, 800. (740) 567-3696 Dijual - Lawnboy 21quot push mower, 2 cycle wgrass catcher, 150. 12 string Epiphone acustic whard case, new, 300. (304) 905-0622 Sale - 32 Iver Johnson 11171908 kotak SW Clinton kerang 325 Vintage kulit drop daun meja 100 Helm baja militer 40. (304) 337-4085 Dijual - 1999 Chevy Venture van, hijau, berjalan baik, membutuhkan kerja tubuh, 2 pintu geser, 116.945 mls. 3000. (419) 203-8061 Dijual - (4) 23550R18 semua ban musim, 50 tapak, 100 mainan anak-anak bermain waccessories, seperti baru, 40. (740) 238-0893 Dijual - Pemanas gas, bagus untuk ruang bawah tanah, 25 2002 Cavalier Bumper belakang, 25 2007 Fusion 2.3 motor, 25. (304) 455-5295 Dijual - Jendela AC, 20 6 laci dresser, 52quot high, 42quot long. (304) 889-3559 Jual - 1985 944 Porsche, mobil padat, butuh kerja, solid body, jual atau jual beli, Jaguar XJS, V-12 perdagangan terbaik atau untuk suku cadang. (304) 455-1475 Dijual - Pintu lemari, 47 deret, dengan lintasan, pintu 24 pintu, 50. (304) 242-5252 Dijual - 96 Ford Ranger, 2 wd, banyak bagian baru, membutuhkan pekerjaan transmisi, 600. (740) 695- 5126 Dijual - Kursi matahari plastik malas yang besar, mesin 20 Mega, 300 stepper latihan, helm sepeda 10 Mens, 25 TV BockW Gratis - 12quot. (740) 310-4318 Dijual - (4) BF Goodrich trailer kasar TA LT 24575R17 memuat E, 764 kedalaman tapak, 80 untuk semua 4. (740) 695-4532 Dijual - Chipper mulcher, 300 Header small block, Chevy, new, 75 Langkah Aluminium untuk pick-up, 25. (740) 633-3718 Wanted - Rantai gergaji bebas non-kerja gratis untuk Halloween Prop untuk penggalangan dana bagi kaum muda. (740) 359-6436 Dijual - kulit Galco 5quot 1911 disembunyikan membawa sapu pasir, baru di pckg. Tangan kanan, coklat Havana, dibuat di Amerika Serikat, 60. (740) 338-9323 Dijual - 2008 Nissan Sentra, 108k mls. Kondisi bagus di dalam amp keluar, pelari yang baik, 4500. (740) 296-4805 Dijual - Bilik kayu kayu yang indah, maple padat, terlihat seperti balok daging, bingkai kayu ek padat, 36quotx56quot, w2 open vises, 600, wout 500. (740 ) 769-7976 Wanted - Rantai link anjing kennel untuk anjing besar Dijual - pickup 1993 Dodge Dakota, tidak berjalan, membutuhkan trans, 800 obo. (740) 934-9371 Dijual - 4 roda truk, perak GMC yang cerah, seperti ban Goodyear baru, 17quot, 26570R17, 18 tapak telak kiri 450. (740) 865-2209, 256-609-4223 Dijual - 2005 28 Koper Fleetwood, tidak ada Bocoran 1993 90th Anniversary Harley custom Wide Glide. (304) 386-4508 Dijual - 2 meja komputer ringan wshelves, 20 meja dapur masing-masing, 4 kursi, 90 meja tulis kayu bagus, padat 90. (304) 238-6162, 304-238-6162 Dijual - 2005 Harley Davidson Road King, 21.371 mls. Garasi disimpan, exc. Cond. Pemilik 2 9000. panggilan atau teks (304) 312-5310 Dijual - 1965 Buick LeSabre, abu-abu ungu dengan api, mobil piala, 350 mesin, 2 spd. mobil. 23.500 perusahaan. (304) 280-2261 Dijual - 1965 Chevy Impala SS, 454-mesin, otomatis, butuh kerja, 5000 obo. (740) 391-0932 Dijual - 1987 Honda Elite 150 skuter motor, kondisinya bagus, 800 obo. (740) 676-0622 Dijual - Cub Cadet LT 42quot mesin pemotong, kondisi sangat bagus, 150. (304) 845-6740 Dijual - 1999 Polaris Sportsman 500, 4x4 w4800 mls. Bemper depan dan belakang, winch 3000 lb, garasi dijaga, bagus. Membutuhkan ban depan dan baterai 2000. (304) 758-4475 Dijual - Makita gergaji bundar, sedikit bekas, berbagai macam bilah termasuk. 70. (304) 337-2228 Dijual - 2002 Dodge Ram 1500, 4wd, taksi quad, SLT, 360, auto. 118k mls. Terawat dengan baik, interior bagus, body fair, 4750. (740) 228-1562 Dijual - Brand baru, tidak pernah digunakan, kursi roda Hoveround, harganya di atas 7000, dijual 4000, dijual seharga 3000. (304) 845-1836 Jual - 1992 Honda CR250 , Berjalan bagus, 1600 obo. (304) 845-6826 Dijual - 2003 Chevy Cavalier Sport 117K, 4 cyl. mobil. 2 pintu, mobil bagus 2300 obo. (740) 676-1530 Wanted - 12 tawas. Tangga ekstensi, tangga kayu yang tidak diinginkan untuk ayam bertengger. (304) 780-8033 Sale - 1984 Jeep dengan fiberglass top. (304) 843-9825 Dijual - Ladies Ryka sepatu tenis, silverpinkgray sz. 8, baru 25 Ladies white renda up Sketchers Go-walk sepatu tenis, sz. 7-12 25. (740) 310-3060 Dijual - stabilizer tangga New Warner di kotak 38.88 menjual 25 lebih 200 botol kecil dari mobil. Menyentuh cat, 25. (740) 676-3524 Dijual - Evenflo carseat, baki makan berkualitas tinggi, kursi booster, semua di exc. Kondisi, semua 3 untuk 35. (740) 359-8744 Dijual - 1989 Kawasaki 300 4x4 Bayou, baterai baru, bajak salju, winch, ban yang layak, kisaran hi-rendah, berjalan dengan baik, pelek ekstra dan ban 800. (304) 845-0249 Dijual - 2005 Mountaineer, good cond. Kursi leahter, baris ke 3, derek pckg. Awd, ban depan baru, rack amp pinion, alternator, 3900 obo. (740) 461-5217 Dijual - Cub Cadet GT18 garden wblade dan deck Banyak sekali bagian yang sesuai dengan knalpot amplas Windshield yang sama untuk mesin cuci listrik 950 Yamaha Gas. (304) 845-0934 Dijual - album LP, berbagai artis, koleksi lebih dari 500, 250. (304) 281-0002 Jual - 1966 Chevy C-10 tempat tidur panjang, tidak ada motor, bodi yang baik 5500 1985 C-10 tempat tidur pendek, Sangat padat, menurunkan 5900 Mossberg 835 200. (304) 559-1038. (304) 559-1038 Dijual - Tongkat es sepeda motor besi cor besi tong baja plastik ga berat. Baki bakar Bebas - keyboard printer HP. (304) 810-4244 Jual - 2012 Honda Stateline motor wsissybar, garasi dipelihara, perak, 500 mls. 6500. 304-312-5414 Dijual - Cub Cadet 18quot nrear tine rototiller 575 Balap muda Rossi 22410 175. (304) 845-6151 Dijual - Mesin Yard MTD 42 traktor traktor yang benar-benar diservis, baterai sabuk baru, siap bekerja, bebas karat 335 (740) 317-6172 Dijual - Troy Bilt 16quot rear tine tiller 208cc hanya 1 jam pemakaian, terlihat baru, dibeli di Lowes 550. (740) 676-5833 Dijual - Kursi pengangkat, baru dibeli, dipakai 3 bulan, coklat Penutup kulit, membayar 800, dijual seharga 425. (740) 391-4068 Dijual - 2000 GMC Sierra SLT, 4x4, power, leather, dipanaskan kursi, body fair, trailer tow, 5.3, V-8, 120k mls. 4000. (740) 769-2834 Dijual - Pool liner, 106quotx18x42quot oval, 28 mil, akan membuat terpal bagus, NIB, 30. (740) 633-9525 Dijual - 2013 Coachman camper, 1 slide, sleeps 10, power awning, u Berbentuk dinette, dipakai 7 kali, semuanya bekerja, exc. Cond. Ritel 27.757, menjual 19.000. (740) 679-2862 Dijual - Sepeda motor bass aluminium dengan motor penggerak, motor 9.9hp, trailer galvanis, 6000. (740) 859-6022 Dijual - Truk Fiberglass tutup, pas tempat tidur pendek Chevy 400 Chevy WeatherTech floor liners, baru masih dalam kotak, Membuat penawaran atau perdagangan. (304) 281-0567 Dijual - Ban Hyundai Tiburon khusus, roda krom, baut, 300 Polaris Sportsman 500 HO dengan pisau salju, berjalan, butuh kerja. (740) 769-2861 SaleTrade - 2007 Mustang convertible, 4.0 auto. 119k mls. Dirakit, 7500 perusahaan, Perdagangan untuk lemari pakaian Harley, Mustang yang lebih tua, atau truk Chevy 54. (740) 340-8573. Dijual - 2001 F-150 5.4 Triton 154.000 mls. 3000 obo (304) 238-8307 Dijual - Vermeer trencher M455A, 4x4, wback hoe blade, motor JD, cond bagus. 6500 16.9x38quot traktor baru, 300. (740) 676-5733 Jual - Penanak arang, 3 kali 7, roda besar, stainless steel komersial, bagus. Dengan atau tanpa trailer, bentuknya bagus, 1200. (740) 483-1459 Sale - Truk emas fiberglass dilelang pada tahun 1999 Chevy ext. Truk taksi, 100 pengangkut barang Aluminium dengan ramp, 75. (304) 810-4381 Dijual - 2010 Harley Davidson FLHTCTUG, tri glide, ultra classic, jelas hitam, 6200 mls. Pelayaran, stereo, keamanan pabrik, lugg. Carrier, perisai batu, lebih 21.500. (304) 845-7873 Dijual - 2003 Ford Ranger XLT, 4wd. Ext. Taksi, otomatis 172.000 mls. Berjalan baik, tubuh baik, bedliner, hal. Jendela, kunci 3900. (740) 582-0545 Dijual - Bak mandi air panas, 2 orang, bekerja, harus bergerak sendiri, tidak ada langkah, bisa melihat berlari, harus menjual 300 obo. (740) 795-5074 Dijual - Pruh Premie, bayi baru lahir dan 0-3 mos. Pakaian bayi, anak tidur, pakaian, topi, onesies, swaddlers, selimut, botol, banyak baru. (304) 639-3567 Dijual - 2015 Baja Warrior mini bike, camo, mesin gas, jarang dipakai, exc. Kondisi, 450 obo, tidak ada perdagangan. (304) 639-0076 Dijual - 2001 Oldsmobile Alero, rendah mls Dicari - Laptop, komputer, suku cadang, lcd, TV, permainan, gratis, tidak diinginkan, bekerja, tidak bekerja. (740) 676-5064 Dijual - 1995 Ford F-150 4x4, taksi super, tempat tidur panjang, derek pkge. Papan peluncur, 103K mls. Berjalan dan terlihat bagus, ban baru, 5300 obo. (304) 845-5587 Dijual - Kayu rockerglider dalam kondisi baik 25 TV berdiri w52quot mount dan kaca tempered top, 50. (304) 815-4474 Dijual - 2 gaun gadis cantik, sz. 4 dari Davids Bridal dipakai satu kali, masing-masing 25 buku Zane Grey. (740) 472-1359 Dijual - 2002 Camry SE, 2.4L, 4 cyl. 11 thn Pemilik, riwayat perawatan lengkap, 157k mls. Stiker baru dan LOF, berjalan dengan baik, 2950. (304) 771-6407 Dijual - Whirlpool electric cooktop, kipas downflow untuk grill, 2 pembakar biasa, berfungsi dengan baik, baru saja dihapus, 75. (304) 771-0270 Dijual - meja biliar murah Freezer tipe dada (740) 472-0265, sebelum pukul 10 malam Jual - Hitch untuk mesin pemotong Chevy 2013 untuk 235 GT, 42 hp John Deere 7 hp chipper 15 gallon jar 2 jack berdiri. (740) 864-2322 Wanted - Kayu lapis atau kayu bakar 58c untuk atap, kita akan pick-up, bayar harga yang wajar juga perlu atap kuku untuk herpes zoster. (304) 758-0614 Dijual - Alat tangan bekas, lampu, barang memancing, rak logam, buku komik, berbagai barang pecah belah. (304) 843-1682 Dijual - 1995 F-150 4x4, mesin pengganti 166K wlow mls. Membangun kembali trans Ban baru, tidak ada masalah besar, 2200 obo. (740) 458-1481 Jual - Pengukur oksigen dan asetilena Harris, selang, obor, obor dan asesoris brazing, tanpa tangki, VGC, 125. (304) 780-2271 Dijual - 2004 Hyundai Tiburon, 125k mls. 2500 2003 Ford Explorer, berjalan dengan baik, 800 4 swompers super baru, 34x10.5x15 pada pelek, 800. (740) 359-0902 Kotak mainan berburu --Trading untuk 2 anjing, 200 trailer mobil, 800 obo. (740) 359-0909 Jual - 1998 Ford Windstar mini van, 3,8 menyala. Interior seperti baru, 124k mls. Baik cond. 2002 Taurus, bagian saja, bagus. (740) 921-9173 Dijual - Cherry curio, sangat bagus. Kaca kaca beringin, termasuk kaca vintage, melayani cina, taplak meja vintage, serbet, misc. 300. (304) 242-4127 Dijual - skuter mobilitas Golden Companion dan pembawa mobil, tidak pernah digunakan, mendukung hingga 350 lbs. Pemegang oksigen dan keranjang 1000 perusahaan. (740) 695-0106VISIT TOKO BOWIEWONDERWORLD ITEM DAVID BOWIE TERBARU ON eBAY Tolong sebutkan BowieWonderworld saat membalas iklan di bawah ini. Untuk menempatkan iklan GRATIS di BowieWonderworld Trading Post cukup email: BOWIE INGIN DAN DIJUAL BOWIE ITEM UNTUK PERDAGANGAN - Paul Kinder BOWIE FOTO UNTUK DIJUAL - Rik Walton JEAN GENIE PHOTO BOX SET - Ian Dickson BOWIE RECORDS FOR SALE - Michael Coates BOWIE ITEMS WANTED Speed ​​of Life, buku Publikasi Kejadian Sukita. Ada yang menandatangani litograf (Rex Ray dll). Buku Bowie yang ditandatangani lainnya (bukan lamunan Moonage atau Stasiun To Station). Mohon pesan dengan harga dan lain-lain, terima kasih GI-NORMOUS BOWIE COLLECTION UNTUK DIJUAL kolektor Bowie USA sejak 1973 menjual koleksi gi-normous. Saya hanya menjual ke pembeli USA. Semua Anda keren orang Eropa jika Anda memiliki kontak di AS dengan senang hati saya kirim ke lokasi itu di Amerika Serikat dan mereka mungkin bisa mengirim Anda ke luar negeri. Terima kasih teman Bowie. Nama pengguna eBay saya adalah skylights2013 - tambahkan saya sebagai penjual yang Anda ikuti karena koleksi di sini memiliki item baru yang ditambahkan setiap saat. Saya juga menerima permintaan. AVCSAR MAGAZINE COLLECTION Im selling a big part of my collection of magazines. All with David Bowie on the covers. Lot 1. 112 magazines from Japan, Hong Kong, China, Korea and Thailand, Indonesia. Lot 2. 658 magazines from the rest of the world. (Ill add into this lot about 50 more mags with Bowie content although hes not on cover). Feel free to email for the list. Terimakasih banyak. BOWIE POSTER Looking to sell or TRADE a German concert poster from the Outside Tour (with special guest Morrissey) from 1996. It is signed By David Bowie and dated 96. Signed Backstage in Dortmund on January 30th, 1996. I will either sell for 800 OBO. OR trade for one of these signed books: Moonage Daydream (signed by Bowie). Speed of Life (signed by Bowie). David Bowie Is autographed copy (signed by Bowie). Please contact me at COLLECTION OF BOWIE SHEET MUSIC David Bowie sheet music: rare, out-of-print, new and great condition 2nd hand. I have a collection of Bowie sheet music - selling as a complete bundle only. I will not break the bundle up - sorry. 650 Australia dollars for the whole collection. It took a lot of effort to gather. Most are out of print and rare. LowStation To Station Stage Anthology Ziggy Stardust album - band arrangement - rare The Songs of David Bowie Space Oddity and other songs - includes Deram early songs The Next Day - brand new David Bowie - The Collection Also 5 clearsheet folders of download purchases and backup copies of: Diamond Dogs Scary Monsters Bowie for guitar and most of his recorded material in either pianovocalguitar or guitar chordslyrics formats in alphabetical order included are some Lou Reed (Transformer) and Iggy Pop songs (Lust For Life plus others). I dont know the shipping fees yet. Will find out soon as possible. Email Phil at for more details. DAVID BOWIE GLASS ART Is anyone interested in this piece I have David Bowie Glass Art - Aladdin Sane image. Sized at 1,700mm wide, 2,180mm high, 6mm thick. The image is engraved on one side, with the other side smooth. Please email me back with any comments and possible offers via FOR SALE: BOWIE IN CONCERT Hi, I have an original recording of David Bowie live in concert from the 5th August 1990 recorded at the Milton Keynes Arena in the UK. The recording was made by my late Uncle who was part of the BBC team which broadcast the concert on Radio 2 live. The stereo recording is on BASF ferro LH HiFi DP26 Double play magnetic 14 inch reel to reel tape. The tape is on a 15cm plastic reel which contains 549 meters, this allows up to 90 minutes of recording. Unfortunately I no longer have a reel to reel machine so I am unable to verify the quality but all the contents appear dry, secure and in one piece with no obvious visible signs of deterioration. If anyone is interested in purchasing the recording, please contact me at 3 BOWIE OFF THE RECORD MUSIC SCORES FOR SALE I have very rare mint condition David Bowie Off The Record music score books for: Hunky Dory, The Man Who Sold The World and Space Oddity. Im looking to sell all three for 450. Please contact WANTED BOWIE CUT OUT Looking for full size David Bowie figure cardboard cut out. Please email DAVID BOWIE IS WALKING IN SOHO David Bowie Is Walking In Soho Fold-out Maps published by the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. Only pound5 each plus PP. Limited amount remaining. All monies raised go directly towards the running costs of bowiewonderworld Please contact me at for more details. BOWIE BANC DEBIT CARD FOR SALE About 15 years ago David Bowie had his own online bank in the US for a few years. Only 1,500 accounts were opened and I had one of them. Ive kept the debit card with his face on it ever since. These very rarely come up for sale anywhere. Interested Email for details. BOWIE ITEMS FOR SALE Hi there I am putting a few things from my immense and unique David Bowie collection up for sale. I have some important debts I have to pay off very soon, so unfortunately Ill have to let go of a little bit of the most valuable thing I own, my David Bowie collection. It is quite a vast collection that I have invested quite a lot of time and an even greater amount of money into, with a number of very rare items of limited production, as well as items Ive never even been able to track another copy of. I am selling some of among the most rare and valuable items I have and am taking the best offers I receive for them. Live and Well 2 disc CD that was limited to BowieNet members only and was not available to the public or for purchase. Not only is this still in its original packaging, it is actually still in the original box that it was mailed in and has never been opened. All Saints CD - This is not the retail release available to the public or the promo version of the retail release, but is actually the very rare and very limited original version that Bowie produced to give out as Christmas presents to a limited number of his friends and family. This is an incredibly rare item which I bought off eBay around 15 years ago for around 400. Lots of rare and vintage Bowie shirts. These are the ones Im most willing to part with though: Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence T-shirt promotion shirt by KGB. FM 101. Lets Dance original black boxing shirt. A few (white or green) shirts from the June 19 2000 Roseland Ballroom NY show. Bowie with eye patch Tie Dye Shirt. A few video masters, have to check which ones, but have Tibet House Concert, NY, Boston, and Isle of Wight shows I gotta check what years theyre from though. Sound Vision cassette box set. Tons of Bootlegs. Of my originals, these are ones I have doubles of or am willing to let go: Ziggy and the Spiders Cleveland Music Hall 72 The Year of the Spiders 72 From the Vaults of the Mainman New Yorks a Go-Go (2 disc) 87 Alabama Song Other Lovely Songs (2 disc) 78 The Forgotten Songs of David Robert Jones Live in Stockholm (2 disc) 78 Kiss the Spiders Fang Little Wonder in Paradiso Holy Unorthodox Nantes 97 Divine Symmetry Goodnight Vienna The Thin White Duke Voyeur Telling Stories Suicide Attack Boy Could He Play Guitar Absolutely Rare The Last Hero The Beckenham Oddity 20th Century Boy Cocaine Adds Life. Most of the Ryko Gold plated discs. Tons of old magazines from every era. Ask if youre looking for anything special. And clippings. Also have The Raven signed by Lou Reed. Feel free to e-mail me any offers at EARLY DAVID BOWIE VINYL WANTED Looking for pre-1972 Bowie albums and singles. If you can help please email at DAVID BOWIE CLUB BERLIN 21-09-1995 LIMITED EDITION CD FOR SALE Hi, I have a David Bowie Club limited edition Berlin 21.09-1995 Berlin homage to David Bowie CD for sale. Its complete with original poster, the original tin case and the special CD. The whole is in the same condition I got it in 1995, which is mint. I only want to sell, no trade of any kind. I can send detailed pictures. Mail me at TMWSTW ORIGINAL FIRST PRESSING VINYL ALBUM I am selling this collectors The Man Who Sold The World piece which is in excellent condition. This is the album where Tony Visconti is spelt incorrectly on the record itself. Also this Mercury album also has Mick quotwoodyquot Woodmansey spelt incorrectly on the album cover. This is a must for the serious collector. Please contact MOONAGE DAYDREAM DELUXE Moonage Daydream Deluxe copy 331 of 350 special copies taken from the limited edition. Signed by David Bowie and Mick Rock. Boxed and in mint condition. Price 1500 British Pounds. Please contact me at BOWIE PHOTOS FOR SALE I have two of David Bowie photos, one is 1976 Paris, the other is David playing the saxophone. I also have two of Frank Zappa, a picture and negatives. All original prints 11x7, signed by Andrew Kent. Please contact BOWIE WANTED Original Silver CDs bull Strange Fascination (1974). bull A Portrait In Flesh (1974). bull Wealth and Authority (1974). bull Secret Lounge (1978). 7 Inch Singles: bull Stay (USA, Portugal and Japan releases). DVDs: bull Cher (1975) bull Later With Jools Holland (1995 and 1999) bull Glastonbury (2000). Also interested in other rare TVconcert footage. Email me at many thanks. WANTED DAVID BOWIE STAGE WEAR SIGNED ITEMS I am looking to purchase stage worn used signed Bowie items for my collection. Please email me with anything available. Please contact me David Bowie work - contact me at BOWIE ITEMS WANTED Looking for a 1973 Bowie ticket, 1999 ticket and 1972 tour items. Please email at IGGY FOR SALE bull 1977 4CD Set (Easy Action) (New and Sealed) pound30 pound5 UK 1st Class recorded delivery. bull The Idiot (Import, EMI Japan, 2009) (Best audio quality) (New and Sealed) pound20 pound2.50 UK recorded delivery. bull Lust For Life (Import, Virgin America, 1990) pound5 pound1.50 UK 1st. Email me at many thanks. TIN MACHINE SHOW WANTED I am looking for the Tin Machine show in San Diego from 14th December 1991 at Spreckels Theatre. Please contact me at thanks BOWIE AUDIOSVIDEOS Looking for the following shows. bull The Belfry 1972. bull Evansville 1976 (exist or not). bull St Louis 1976 (exist or not). bull Bridlington 1973. bull Fresno 1978 (audio andor video). Have other interesting shows to trade. Please email: to make an offer and to have any information (scan, tracklisting, quality, etc). Best regards. BOWIE CONCERT RECORDINGS Trade Bowie concert recordings CD or from tape. I have a large concert recordings collection, on tape and now converted to CD, A side of tape is one track on cd. Looking to trade, need ASAP. 09 25 71 Aylesbury. 15 06 74 Ottawa. 03 02 76 Seattle. 21 03 76 Springfield. All 1996 to 2004. And most wanted 25 06 04 Scheebel. For more information BOWIE ITEMS TO SWAP Dutch Bowie fan wants to trade (swap) his double items. Download list here Excel Worksheet or email for actual list to be sent to you. Contact Geert on IMAN NO. 1 ART FOR SALE Iman No.1 lithograph signed by both David Bowie and Iman. 3000 WANTED WANTED WANTED Rare vinyl, Factory pressed CDs and Pro CDRs wanted by serious collector of many years trying to fill gaps in live unofficial collection. Also trying to build collection of Godfather Records releases (CDs) - All titles not just Bowie. Please e-mail many thanks. A REALITY TOUR FLIGHT CASE STICKERS 1 Flight Case A Reality Tour stickers for sale. These were used on the flight cases used during the A Reality Tour to indicate the content and location of the flight case. Colour is pink. It was given by a roadie during the tour rehearsals in Brussels, Belgium. Make serious offer to many thanks. BOWIE CDs WANTED Do you have David Bowie CDs for sale I am looking for RCA German CDs, Ryko Golds and Ryko normal CDs. Tolong beritahu saya. BOWIE DVD TRADES WANTED Hi all. I am looking for a trade for the Watch That Man DVD set. I am new to Bowie collecting but have a couple of DVDs and have a HUGE catalogue of Rolling Stones and Bob Dylan DVDs available. If anyone can please help me Id be truly grateful. Am happy to do BP as well if that suits Please email Sean at: BOWIE LIST: RARE RECORDS AND MEMORABILIA Please email me at to receive a collector list of rare pressings records in vinyls and memorabilia stuff for sale. Please visit my page for listings. WANTED SOUTH AFRICAN PHILIPS ALBUM Will pay with cash and organs if necessary. Please email BOWIE TOUR PROGRAMME 1973 For sale: David Bowie 1973 Aladdin Sane Tour programme. Its in pretty good condition although there is obviously some wear and tear. If youre interested then Im open to offers. Email me at: JUST A GIGOLO DVD WANTED Im looking for a copy of Just A Gigolo on DVD specifically the 147 minute version. Thanks BOWIE CONCERT TAPES Hi I am looking for low gen cassette tapes of Bowie concerts, tradeselling lists can be sent to my email address - your list must have info about rating quality (sound) and which generation the tape is, and datevenues of shows. You can view my list here - thanks. RARE BOWIE ITEMS Rare and Discontinued. Old Vinyls, Imported Rarities - a large selection of David Bowie items available. Check out our online shop for items. RARE VINYL FOR SALE I have for sale from my own private collection the following rare Bowie vinyl: The Thin White Duke (Live New York 76) double album and Iggy Ziggy Live In Seatle. Both in good condition. I would sell both for pound60. I also have most of the Bowie albumssingles on vinyl on the RCA label which I would also sell as a collection if possible Please email WANTED: MAN WHO SOLD THE WORLD RCA CDs I am looking for a copy of Bowies The Man Who Sold The World RCA CD US version (manufactured in Japan), with the item number PCD1-4816. The US version was also made in 1984 with the same black and white kick cover. If you have one for sale, I would be forever grateful to purchase it. Please e-mail at DAVID BOWIE TRADES Hundreds of Bowie items to trade: tickets, backstage passes, photographs, magazines, cuttings. Send me your lists or view my wantstrade page email: BOWIE CONCERTS Hi I am looking for Bowie concert traders on cdr or flac format in folders on dvd disc. View my list here - contact: LOOKING FOR SERIOUS MOONLIGHT Looking for David Bowie Serious Moonlight Tour Live on CD. If anyone has this I would be willing to pay a good price for this. If interested please email at WANTED: BOWIE RYKO CDs Dont mind if the CD comes in a green tray or black, but condition must be at least close to mintexcellent. Also should be the matte aluminium finish with the silver grey picture going all the way to the centre. The discs I want are as follows: Low, Lodger, Stage 2xcd, Scary Monsters. I will also consider any of the RykoSoundVision Samplers if you have them Pics would be a great help. Mail me at: WANTED: SHEET MUSIC amp SONGBOOKS David Bowie sheet music and songbooks wanted by long time collector. Desperately looking for Peace On EarthLittle Drummer Boy. If you have or need printed music to any David Bowie written or performed song please send details, including format (Piano Vocal Guitar, Off the Record, Guitar tab, Melody line and Chords). Please contact Lance Hoskins on 1980 FLOOR SHOW WANTED Wanted 1980 Floor Show records on vinyl or CD. Please contact WANTED: BOWIE RYKO CDs Im looking to buy all Bowie CDs on Ryko. Means: Space Oddity. TMWSTW, Hunky Dory, Ziggy Stardust, Aladdin, PinUps, Diamond Dogs, David Live, Young Americans, Station To Station, Low, quotHeroesquot, Stage, Scary Monsters, Ziggy Motion Picture and Changesbowie. I dont mind if they come in black tray or green tray jewel cases, if the liner has a cutout (prefer no drillhole in booklet, however), but the CDs themselves must be at least MINTY and they have to be the 1st. edition pressings (i. e. matte picture disc finish and aluminium layer that goes entirely to the centre-ring). No BMG or record club edition. Pfwew, how picky can you be Pics preferred. Please e-mail: WANTED: DAVID BOWIE Reality or Outside signed lithograph and Speed Of Life Genesis publications book. Please email BOWIE VINYL FOR SALE Please contact me at if you are interested in anything from the below list. (All Vinyl). Further items also for sale. Wembley Wizard Touches The Dial - Live at Wembley 070576. Subway - Recorded live during US tour 1974. J. R. Is Watching You - Live in Dallas 260483. Serious Business - Live in Munich 220583 - Double. Stardust From The 70s - Various dates from 71- 74. Dressmann and The Nippon Girl - Live in Osaka 301083. Bump and Grind. Keep on Live in Rotterdam 260683 Double - coloured vinyl (1 Orange, 1 Green). Fashions 10 x 7quot UK 1982. Rock Galaxy 2LP Germany 1981. Dont Be Fooled By The Name 10quot LP UK 1981. The Laughing Gnome 7quot single UK 1967. Space Oddity 7 single UK 1969. Stage 2LP (Yellow Vinyl) UK 1978. An Evening With David Bowie. LP USA 1978. Starman LP Russian 1989. Portrait of a Star LP Box France1982 Baktabak Interview Picture Disc. Unnamed Interview Picture Disc - Serious Moonlight picture. Lets Talk Interview Picture Disc. WANTED BOWIE and ENO Bowie and Eno - Its Time To Listen Vol.1 and 2 - Must be silver pressed CDs and not CD-Rs, please email me with your price at Thank you. TMWFTE ORIGINALS WANTED The Man Who Fell To Earth ORIGINAL collectablesmemorabilia wanted. Especially looking for the Danish film poster. If you can confirm item and price by emailing me on DAVID BOWIE CDs, SINGLES WANTED Im a new collector looking for bootleg CDs (no CD-Rs please) from Bowies Halloween Jack to The Thin White Duke period and also vinyl singles from his whole musical career to buy only. Contact me at: RARE COLLECTABLES eil outlet (part of Esprit International Limited) are the world leader in rare CDs, vinyl and music memorabilia. Visit our online shop now. TAO JONES INDEX - 5 COPIES FOR SALE I have 5 mint never played 12 inch vinyl records of Tao Jones Index available. If you are interested please email me: 1983 US FESTIVAL I have a video of BOWIE exiting the stage during an MTV MUSIC interview from the 1983 US FESTIVAL in SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA. Do you have the audio or video of this show I would like to find this and trade some other rare BOWIE items I have. Ryan DAVID BOWIE TICKET I have one original ticket to a David Bowie concert at Sydney Showground from Saturday 25th November, 1978. Offers please. Email LOOKING FOR BOWIE TRADERS I have about 3,000 Bowie bootlegs and CDRs to trade. Have a look at my list - Im always looking for new Bowie audio, so if you wish you can mail me you trading lists at: CD-RsDVDsBOOKS FOR TRADE More than 1000 different CD-R titles by Bowie for trade. Also DVDs and official stuff for trade. Especially looking for official vinyl, LPs and singles, I do not have. Contact me at: BOWIE BOOK FOR SALE I have a mint condition, signed copy of Moonage Daydream for sale, number 2,480 of 2,500 copies. Price pound475. If you are interested, please email: WANTED: BOWIE BADGES Serious Bowie badge collector wanting to add to collection. Large Anabas 1973 - badges - keyrings - necklaces. A red Lets Dance enamel badge and the George Underwood box set of 5 Ziggy badges. Always interested in other Bowie badges. Please email me at: BOWIE ON VINYL FOR SALE More than 100 rare vinyl recordings for sale. For a complete list email Im willing to buy or trade. Thank you FOR SALE: BOWIE VINYL Hi everyone, Im trying to sell Rock and Roll Suicide picture disc 40th anniversary 7quot, John Im Only Dancing picture disc 40th anniversary 7quot and Hunky Dory the album 12quot, anyone interested email me on WANTED BOWIE DVDVIDEO Story of Ziggy Stardust, Genius of David Bowie (BBC4 2012) on DVD. South of Watford 1983 Documentry on DVD or Video. Mick Ronson 1974 Concerts, any tapes or info regarding running order of tracks Can anyone help Also wanted DVD Russell Harty 1974. Luv Ice Cream advert. Cher Show 1975 and Soul Train. Mott The Hoople Live Philadelphia 29.11.72 on CD or tape. Please email - thank you. BOWIE COLLECTION OF BOOTLEG CD-Rs FOR SALE Do you want that one concert New to trading I may have the answer. Due to moving house and downsizing I am having to get rid of my collection of bootleg CDs. If anyone would like to pick up a concert or session e-mail me in the first instance and I will send them my list of CDs, which cover The Trident sessions 1972 up to the Glasgow, Dublin, Nice etc shows from the Reality Tour. E-mail me at: Will post to anywhere in the world. Proof of postage always obtained. BOWIE VIDEOS, CDRs and VCDs FOR TRADE I have a lot of Bowie videos (from all decades), CDRs and now also some VCDs for trade, (and also tons of photos from 1999-2002, which I took myself). If youd like to see my list, please email me at and Ill be happy to send them to you BOWIE FOR SALEEXCHANGE Huge list of DAVID BOWIE vinyl and rare memorabilia for saleexchange. Email me at and Ill get right back to you. BOWIE CDs WANTED Live DVD and Bootlegs cd from Reality Tour 2003-2004. Want these items. Not trading. Only for my personal collection. Please send your lists on email if possible to BOWIE BEST MAGAZINES FOR SALE I have a large collection of French Rock revues for sale. First, its the French BEST magazine with David Bowie, interviews, articles, pictures and posters. If you are interested please contact Thierry BOWIE SHIRTS WANTED Im looking to buy original David Bowie promo or concert shirts from 1974 and older. Please contact me at SEARCHING FOR OUTSIDE Searching for 1995 U. S. Outside Tour Memorabilia: Satin Tour Passes. Need most dates Ticket Stubs. U. S. Outside Tour ItineraryItineraries. Show Posters. Handbills. Serious collector willing to pay serious prices. M. O.s or PayPal can be sent right away if you have something I need. Please email Aaron BOWIE BOOK FOR SALE Due to finances I reluctantly have to sell my autographed David Bowie book From Station to Station by Genesis Publications. It is in mint condition, only took it out of the box once. Offers in excess of pound500. Please email me at BOWIE VINYL FOR SALE David Bowie Vinyl For Sale: Lifetimes The Singles. Set of 20 never played. Please contact me on: CONCERT TICKETS BOWIETIN MACHINE Have over 100 spare ticket (stubs) to trade from 1974-1997. Would anybody would like to trade Please contact LOOKING FOR BOWIE CDR TRADERS Looking for Bowie CDR traders worldwide. Your list gets ours. DampS (Boston, Mass.). Please email DAVID BOWIE COLLECTION FOR SALE Bootleg CDs, Japan CDs, Tin Machine Japan CDs, Single CDs, Clippings, Magazines, Prints, Vinyls, Picture Dics, etc. Including the SO-O RARE The Man Who Fell to Earth 1976 ORIGINAL lobby cards-stills. Also the super rare Moonage Daydream Signed Book from Genesis Publications. Baru. Check out the items: bowie-shop. livejournal - E-mail me with any questions BOWIE VIDEO COLLECTION FOR SALE I am selling my entire video collection of Bowie stuff. The collection is probably 30 VHS tapes, not including the official releases. Most everything is in excellent to pretty good condition. If you want to know about something specific, just ask. I will include some documentation with the tapes that lists what is on what tape, how long, and what condition it is in. All tapes are NTSC. Anyone interested in purchasing this collection, please contact me for listing at - shipping should only be around 10-15 since I can ship it media mail. BOWIE RARITY TO SELL I have a sealed copy of David Bowie 1993 privately distributed All Saints selected instrumentals CD. One of only 150 pressings. Make me an offer. BOWIE TAPES AND CDS WANTED David Bowie tapes or CDs from 1978 wanted. Please email WANTED WANTED WANTED I am looking for the CDs listed below. I would prefer the original silver pressed CDs where applicable and the original quotsemi proquot CD-R issues of those items which were never put on on silver pressed CD. I am NOT looking for any homemade CD-R repros though. 1976 Tour: Dont Touch That Dial 5-7-76 Live In Hamburg 4-11-76 (2-CD) European Cannon 2-23-76 (2-CD) Wish Upon A Star 2-9-76 BowieIggy 1977 Tour: Sister Midnight 3-21-77 Liquor Drugs 3-28-77 Tin Machine: Now Bradford 7-2-89 (2-CD) Tin Machine Is Coming Down 11-20-91 (2-CD) Requiem To The Memory 11-29-91 (2-CD) 1990 Tour: Tour 1990 5-1516-90 (4-CD) All Time Model 8-5-90 (2-CD) 1997 Tour: 20th Century Boy 9-9-97 afternoon radio studio I Left My Heart In S. F. 9-9-97 evening concert (2-CD) Bowie At The Bush 8-1112-97 (4-CD) All items should include all original graphics and should be in VG or better condition (discs and artwork). If you have any of these items for sale please email with total cost, including shipping, to the USA. Thanks Nikki. LOOKING FOR DVDCDR TRADES Have lots to trade, especially looking for 3 DVDs. JapanTokyoJones Beach 2004. loaned my copies out and have lost them. Also looking for a few 2004 CDRs. Any trades welcome. Thanks please email DAVID BOWIE LINO-CUT PRINT Limited supply. David Bowie Lino-cut artwork A3 repro print, originally advertised for sale via Starzone fanzine back in 1984. Heidelberg KOR Lithographic print on gloss art paper, A3 size (29.7 x 42.0 cm) (11.69 x 16.53 in). Printed by Norbury Lockwood amp Co. Ltd, Manchester. The David Bowie original piece was exhibited at the New Expressionist Movement exhibition in Berlin on 23rd-25th March 1983. It is currently on display in the David Bowie Is exhibition. Exclusive price of only pound15 each plus PampP to visitors and friends of this website. All monies raised go directly towards the running costs of bowiewonderworld Please contact me at for more details. BOWIE CDs WANTED Hi guys, Im looking for any Bowie bootlegs or concerts on CDs. must be factory pressings. and good condition. Im paying good money and looking for anything decent on CD. Please call for quick response. Lloyd on 07758 936193 ASAP. BOWIE IGGY SWOPS I have lots of David Bowie and Iggy Pop recordings, would love to do some swaps. Also I am desperately trying to get a needle drop of the Low sampler if anyone can help me with a CD-R of it please email me at WANTED hours. LENTICULAR David Bowie hours. 1999 UK promotional-only 20quot x 20quot lenticular display - does not need to be signed. Please contact BOWIE FOR SALE Reality CD limited (silver cover) with DVD of Riverside Show and bonus Waterloo Sunset. Loving The Alien Picture Disc 12 Inch. Excellent condition and good price. Email me at WANTED: SERIOUS MOONDLIGHT CD I am looking for a Serious Moonlight CD - Serious Pig - Montreal 83 hiding in their collection that is looking for a new home If anyone can help me with my quest, please email I am very happy to trade or buy. Please let know the price you are requesting. Thank you so much RARE AND COLLECTABLE BOWIE Rare and Collectable Vinyl Records, CDs and Memorabilia from Vinyl Tap Mail Order Music. We are a UK based online mail order record shop. We specialise in rare, deleted and promo items. We have an extensive stock of 7quot singles (45s), CDs, LPs, 12quot singles, videos, posters, limited editions, picture discs, imports, t-shirts and memorabilia. We ship all of our items worldwide. Vinyl Tap Music is currently the largest UK music retailer on eBay UK and a Trusted Platinum Powerseller. Shop with confidence with our 100 satisfaction guarantee. Please visit our online shop to see whats available. DAVID BOWIE PHOTO FOR SALE I have an original black and white close up of David Bowie on the Trans Siberian Express taken by Leee Childers. Please contact DAVID BOWIE VINYL REISSUES WANTED Wanted David Bowie EMI and Ryko vinyl reissues. Please contact me at for more details. DAVID BOWIE ITEMS FOR SALE MOONAGE DAYDREAM Collector Edition Book. Signed by: David Bowie, Mick Rock. BRAND NEW CONDITION. STILL IN ITS ORIGINAL (SUPERIOR) GENESIS FACTORY PACKAGING, as I received. THE MAN WHO FELL TO EARTH LOBBY CARDS 8 different HUGE Promo Lobby Cards. ALL ORIGINAL. From Argentina 1976. Measures: 26 x 35 cm. (approx. 10x 14 inch). Send me a message for info at LOOKING FOR SIGNED LOW OR ZIGGY I am looking for a signed copy of the Low or Ziggy Album. If you have one for sale please email me at thanks WANTED DAVID BOWIE LIVE VINYL I am a collector of Bowie unofficial live vinyl and will consider buying everything from single items to complete collections. If you want a hassle free sale at a reasonable price then please contact me at BOWIE BOOK STILL SEALED I have sale a Tour book still sealed. Serious Moonlight Tour: 1983. Please contact FOR SALE Boxed, signed and numbered (1699 of 2500) Moonage Daydream: The Life and Times of Ziggy Stardust Leather Bound Special Edition by Genesis Publications. Your chance to own (as David Bowie himself said) quotThis book of extraordinary photographs. Ziggy Stardust blazed briefly but intensely, and I am delighted to see his life and times as a rock n roll star immortalised in this beautiful limited edition. quot I am based in London and can despatch this treasured item worldwide. I have only one copy of this beautiful work of art that has 659 images of Ziggy across 346 pages and an essay on the origins of Ziggy, by David himself, in this leather bound and boxed collectors item from 2002. quotSimply beautifulquot Elle Magazine. quotThe last word on the subject of Ziggy Stardust. few books are this lovingly produced. Genesis Publications, the leading practitioners of craftsmen-produced coffee-table extravaganzas. quot GQ, June 2003. Book is in A1 condition, minor skuff on external box (Silver Ziggy Pattern). Photos or viewing available. Email reasonable offers to for a list and further information. BOWIE (GERMAN) CDs FOR SALE GERMAN (MINT) RCA CDs FOR SALE AT REASONABLE PRICES:- LOW - PD83856 STATION TO STATION - PD81327 LODGER - PD84234 ALADDIN SANE - PD83890. Please contact John J. SHEET MUSIC - OFF THE RECORD - ALADDIN SANE Im looking for the Aladdin Sane songbook in the collection Off The Record. I would like to exchange a copy of Hunky Dory and Ziggy Stardust Songbook (all in Off The Record series) against these scores (especially for Aladdin Sane, Time and Lady Grinning Soul). Terima kasih. D. J. GREEN VINYL 7 INCH Dear Bowie fans, I am looking for a copy of this and wonder if anybody has it for sale Please email me many thanks. U. S. BOWIE CASSETTES WANTED (NOT BOOTLEGS) Im looking for the following U. S. made cassette tapes all on 1985 EMI America cassette by BOWIE, Carnes, Easton, Jellybean, Kaja, Limahl and Talk Talk. Dance Mix catalog 4XT-17170, A Non-Stop Music Mix ST-17170, Endless Dance Mix also 4XT-17170, and Dance also cat. 4XT-17170. The way to tell that they are U. S. tapes is it is a white or beige colored cassette tape with a lot of writing in one corner and on the back of tape cover has a turquoise colored barcode with 7777-17170-4. Im looking to get these tapes on U. S. tapes only meaning I only want to buy from people in the U. S. or shipping gets spendy. Im willing to pay with a postal money order for I dont have Paypal and it may be a problem. Im willing to spend up to a limit of 20 for 1 tape plus shipping and insurance and less if the tape has something wrong with it. Please contact me, Kristi Carr if you believe youve got one to sell. My email is thanks a bunch, Kristi. MOONAGE DAYDREAM DELUXE BOX I am looking for a replacement bottom half of the box which the above book came in. The box is covered with a reproduction of the cream and black checked material that one of David Bowies costumes was made from. The bottom half of my box has become damaged. Does anyone have a spare or a box they dont need any more Please contact me at RARE BOWIE POSTER I have for sale a rare Bowie poster from one of the Odeon Cinemas that the live Bowie show from the Riverside Theatre in 2003 to showcase the Reality album was broadcast to. Its a stunning poster that is still rolled up and in mint condition. It measures approx. 48quot x 36quot. I am open to offers. Please email me many thanks. WANTED RARE BOWIE SONGS (NON-OFFICIAL) ON CDR Hi, am interested in ALL rare Songs, esp the EARLY stuff, please email me your list, prices, quality, etc. thanks John J. many thanks. FOR SALE: SIGNED DAVID BOWIE VampA BOOK David Bowie Is signed copy of the VampA special limited edition book. My copy is number 285 that has been signed by Bowie. I am asking pound750 GBP for it. If you are interested please email me at many thanks. BOWIE CANVAS OIL ARTS Limited edition art canvas prints, unique arts of this legend of art himself, all by M. J. Lee. Check out my David Bowie work - contact me at VARIOUS BOWIE DVDs FOR SALE Very good copies of the following bootlegs of David Bowie for sale. A Reality tour: Madison Square Gardens Dec 2003. SoundVision tour: Tokyo May 1990. Loreley Festival June 1996. Vancouver rehearsals 1976. Golden Years (eg, Musikladen 1978, Soul Train 1975, Dick Cavett Show 1974, plus much more). Email me at BOWIE ITEMS FOR SALE I have the following Bowie items for sale - or will sell as complete collection to the highest bidder. bull Early David bowie autograph on bw picture says to you, love David. bull Fan club magazine issue 1 in near mint condition (just been folded). bull Record Mirror Special Edition David Bowie magazine 1972 with free poster - taped along seam but all pages intact and poster still inside, good condition all round. bull Fan Club Christmas Card which says Have a cool Yule inside. bull Various bw early Bowie photos from fan club mail. bull Personal fan club letter off secretary. If youre a David Bowie fan you know my collection is very rare to find these days, please email any questions and I can send pictures to show collection. Please email me at DAVID BOWIE STORY BBC 6CDs WANTED David Bowie Story BBC (6 CDs) Wanted. Will pay good price. Contact LOOKING FOR DAVID BOWIE CDs I can offer you almost everything. CDs, Boxes, Boots. Name it. Mail me your want list and I will make you an offer. Please email SCARY MONSTERS I have a framed set of artwork number: 71150 for sale. please contact me at BOWIE COLLECTION FOR SALE I have for sale my complete Bowie record, CD, book and general memorabilia collection. I have hundreds of items ranging from TMWSTW drag cover and the stereo vinyl LP of his first solo album to rare books and programs and rare magazines (all covered up in protective sleeves) too. I have used and unused concert tickets, unworn clothing, rare unseen photos from the 1974 tour. I have many bootlegs on vinyl as well as on CD. Ideally I am looking for a job lot sale for a sensible and serious price. If youre interested please contact me at please contact me at BOWIE COLLECTION FOR SALE I am offering my Bowie collection up for sale. It includes many vinyls (7quot, 12quot, LPs) including a lovely high quality replica of the German round cover of The Man Who Sold The World, magazines, books, videos, DVDs and CDs. For more information and a copy of the list, please contact Martin at WANTED TO BUY: DELUXE GENESIS BOOK Want To Buy: Deluxe Edition Genesis Publications Moonage Daydream. This is the version that is fully leather bound, with one of editions 1-350. I will be happy to pay a reasonable account according to the current valuation of the book. Please e-mail me at Thank you WANTED JUST A GIGOLO Im looking for the film Just A Gigolo on DVD. I would need it in NTCS version or Region 1 format since I live in the States. If you could convert it from PAL into NTCS that would be lovely. Please email me at DAVID BOWIE CDs WANTED David Bowie - Birmingham NEC 20th November 2003 2 CDs and Bowie Bootleg Concert CDS. I am not trading, they are for my personal collection. Please send your lists via email to UNIQUE DAVID BOWIE BLACK BOOK As I am a book-binder and a David Bowie fan I rebound my copy of David Bowie Black Book (soft cover) in 1987. There is only one like it in the world. I rebound it in an abstract Aladdin Sane design. Overlaid red sheep leather on black cow leather with a thin hand-tooled blue line. All this is overlaid and hand pressed onto circular ropes with gold tooling (front and back). Spine has gold hand-tooled lettering and hand sewn headbands in blue and red. Super strong binding. Printed pages are held in the cover with top quality end papers with inside front and back covers have traditionally handmade blue and red swirly marble design. I kept the original soft cover and design samples when I was doing the rebinding (which I can include if the buyer chooses) - leather templates, hand tooling designs etc. Only seriously interested collectors need to contact me. As there might be copies of DBBB available new and used there is only ONE bound like this, unique I can forward photos by request. Email: BOWIE FOR SALE I have a large collection of Bowie items for sale including factory pressed bootleg CDs, bootleg vinyl, original RCA CDs, original tour books, 7quot singles, LPs the STATIONTOSTATION 2009 deluxe box set along with other items. Please email for a list and further information. BOWIE PHILIPS LABEL WANTED Wanted 1969 Space Oddity on Philips label or American version titled David Bowie. Please contact TWO BOWIE CDs WANTED Hi guys can you help Im trying to get hold of two Bowie CDs 7 Months in America and My Death. Cash paid. Contact BOWIE PROMO DISPLAYS I am selling some of my Bowie collectibles. Earthling 1.Outside and Heathen Please contact me if interested. Email Johan 2 UNUSED BOWIE TICKETS FROM 83 I have two unsused tickets to BERLIN June 20th 1983 Serious Moonlight Tour for sale. Live in Copenhagen and Never Got There. Email for offer and picture of items. SUNDAY TIMES MAGAZINE: BOWIE I have for sale a copy of The Sunday Times magazine from July 20th 1975 featuring David Bowie on the front cover, The New Face of David Bowie. Inside there is a several page article and more photos including a double page photo The Bowie Odyssey. The mag is in really good condition with no rips or tears. Please contact me on: BOWIE CDs FOR SALE I have two silver live orginal CD (not copy) to sell. Two double CDs. The first one called On Broadway. This is the complete show that he made in Roseland Ballroom Theatre in New York the 1106.02 (Heathen and Low play in entirity plus encores). The second one (double cd too) called Cold Station and its his performance from the 19 June 2002 in Manchester. Please send me a mail to: to make an offer and to have any information (scan, tracklisting, quality, etc) Best regards. BOWIE ITEMS FOR AUCTION Rare and hard-to-find David Bowie releases available via auction. Check them all out here on eBay WANTED: RECORD MIRROR SPECIAL 1972 Im looking for: DAVID BOWIE: A RECORD MIRROR SPECIAL 1972. Please email me at WANTED: LIVE and STUDIO TAPES TAPES ONLY Please send list to DAVID BOWIE: MUSICAL STORYLAND DAVID BOWIE Musical Storyland Illustrated Lyric Book with CD. I have for sale several brand new copies of MUSICAL STORYLAND: A Sing-Along Book with Musical Disc (CD) by David Bowie (lyrics) and Jamilla Naji (illustrator and author). Ultra-rare, out of print, and highly collectible. This beautiful volume is designed like a hardcover childrens book and features the lyrics of ten David Bowie songs from his early days, complemented by original and whimsical full-color illustrations by Jamilla Naji. It includes a factory-pressed 25-minute CD featuring original recordings of these same ten songs written and performed by Bowie. The featured songs and lyrics include Uncle Arthur, Rubber Band, There Is A Happy Land, Sell Me A Coat, Come And Buy My Toys, Maid Of Bond Street, Love You Til Tuesday, When I Live My Dream and Ching-a-Ling. This book, originally published in 2004, is packed with mysterious and sometimes zany characters that mesmerize all audiences. Although this book is designed for children aged four and up, adults will also find themselves captivated by the incredible themes, catchy tunes and exceptional artwork. For BowieWonderworld readers, special price per copy is 40.00. Shipping is 7 within the United States and 28.00 to other countries. Write me for prices if you want to purchase and ship multiple copies to one address, as you can save money on shipping discounts. I also will ship huge quantities at bigger discounts to bookstores, music stores, etc. so please inquire. (This bookCD has not previously been made widely available outside of the United States). I accept PayPal as payment at (designated as quotgiftquot so there wont be any fees to pay) or you can write me at the same email address with any questions. Harga bisa berubah tanpa pemberitahuan. Terima kasih. ZIGGY AT THE RAINBOW POSTER Collectors: I have a original Ziggy at the Rainbow poster from 72. I wanna sell it to someone wholl appreciate it. THE MAN WHO FELL TO EARTH POSTER The Man Who Fell To Earth original film poster from 1976 in VERY GOOD condition. One crease near his name, but never folded. The poster has been in an archival quality frame for 15 years and not mounted. Will ship anywhere. Please email for further information. GLASS SPIDER TOUR BOOK I have a Glass Spider tour book along with the dance choreography sheet music, lyrics, this is the real deal, my friend was his sound man, as well as modern English. For sale to the highest bidder. Please email TONIGHT MASTER STUDIO TAPE FOR SALE We are selling nice piece of real memorabilia here An original studio master production stereo tape of Tonight - David Bowie album made in EMI Studios UK Abbey Road. This tape was sent from UK to Zagreb, Croatia in the 70s to licensing record company Jugoton - and they pressed that album in their record company using this tape as a master source. It has original EMI label sticker on the cover - with all info about the tape - please look at the photos view 1 and view 2 . As far as I know, all UK and other master tapes were written off in the early 90s when Jugoton lost the licensing rights and sold the record pressing plant. I was lucky enough to purchase this tape from the former engineer of Jugoton recording studio. I guess EMI made only few master tapes of each album for licensing partners around the world. This I sell as a memorabilia item. Compositions and performances on the tape are copyrighted by the artist, labels and publishers - so I am selling this only for its memorabilia value. The tape is working fine and great and if you would like to hear this, you can arrange a visit prior the purchase, and listen from our Ampex studio tape deck. If you have any questions - please ask. I will accept bids starting from 5,000 US dollars. Please email Darko Mikulec BOWIE ITEMS FOR SALE bull 1980 Floor Show: Dollars in Drag bootleg LP 1974 - New and in original seal. bull The Vintage David Bowie sheet music and photo book - 1st edition, 1973. bull Mike Garson, Conversations with My Family CD, AUTOGRAPHED 63 of 500, limited edition. bull Musical Storyland autographed by the illustrator, and in mint condition. bull Special Issues of Mojo magazine dedicated to Bowie in recognition of 50th (January 1997) and 60th (January 2007) birthdays and Record Collector magazine David Bowie at 60. Email for details ENTIRE DAVID BOWIE COLLECTION FOR SALE Entire collection of Bowie for sale, including: Vinyl, VHS, Tapes, CDs, Bootlegs, T-Shirts, Concert Tickets, Concert Posters, Magazines etc. Please email BOWIE FOR SALE For Sale: original picture vinyl of David Bowie and Bing Crosbys Drummer Boy sung on Crosbys 1977 Christmas Special. Comes in original sleeve. Played once. Mint condition. Will pay shipping. Email offers to: WANTED: DAVID BOWIE CDs Looking for RCA versions that are brand new and still sealed in their original CD Longboxes. Only looking for the following titles: Young Americans, Station To Station, ChangesOneBowie, and Fame and Fashion. Please email me at BOWIE FOR SALE I often have a variety of rare, unusual and unofficial Bowie CDs, vinyl, collectables and early music papers plus Hamatsukilan box sets. Contact Paul Grimshaw MASSIVE BOWIE COLLECTION FOR SALE Im very sad to have to sell off my David Bowie collection. It would be impossible for me to my go through my whole collection and price each item, there is so much. You will know what I mean when you see my lists below. I am really wanting people to put in offers for whatever they are interested in and take things from there. I can send more details or scans of any interested items. Please right click links below (save target as) to download lists: Please email Alan: BOWIE BOOTS FOR SALE Bowie bootleg and rarities CD collection for sale. Large collection of factory pressed Bowie CDs available. 200 CDs, from early demos to Reality Tour. Every tour covered. Digi packs, mad stuff. E-Mail your wants, if we can help. WANTED: GOLDEN YEARS 24k GOLD COLLECTION All 8 Rykodisc Gold Audiophile CDs in the AU20 Series. Original Box Set or Separate Discs. Please contact Mike with details and asking price at: or LOOKING FOR. Im looking for original pressed bootleg CDs from the 1974 and 1976 tours like: Wish Upon A Star, Cocaine Adds Life, Infected With Soul Love, NeoExpressionism, etc. I only want the original bootlegs, NO CD-Rs Condition must be good. I do have the following titles: Strange Fascination (2cd), 1974 (2cd) and Vancouver Rehearsals. All other ones are more then welcome. Please contact WANTED: BOWIETIN MACHINE TICKETS Bowie tickets from around the world trade or buy. Originals only from the Sixties to present. All tours especially from the Far East and South America. Loads to trade. View my wantstrade page email lists to: WANTED: BOWIE CDs I am looking for the CDs listed below. I would prefer the original silver pressed CDs where applicable and the original semi pro CD-R issues of those items which were never put on on silver pressed CD. I am NOT looking for any homemade CD-R repros though. 1976 Tour: Dont Touch That Dial 5-7-76. Live In Hamburg 4-11-76 (2-CD). European Cannon 2-23-76 (2-CD). Wish Upon A Star 2-9-76. All items should include all original graphics and should be in VG or better condition (discs and artwork). If you have any of these items for sale please email me back with total cost, including shipping, to the USA. Thanks Jules. Please email: WHITE LABEL BOWIE BOOTLEG I am selling a white label David Bowie bootleg double album. Side 1: Ziggy Stardust (BBC Radio 1972) Waiting For My Man (BBC Radio 1972) Supermen (BBC Radio 1972) Queen Bitch (BBC Radio 1972) Suffragette City (BBC Radio 1972) Side 2: White LightWhite Heat (BBC Radio 1972) Hang On To Yourself (BBC Radio 1972) Hang On To Yourself (Live Long Beach 1973) Moonage Daydream (Live Long Beach) Watch That Man (Live Long Beach) Side 3: Interview (Bill Huie) Ching a Ling (1969) Supermen (Studio 1972) Waiting For My Man (Peel Session 1972) Side 4: Width of a Circle (Peel Session 1972) White Lightwhite Heat (Peel Session 1972) Suffragette City (Peel Session 1972) Moonage Daydream (Peel Session 1972) David Bowie (Vocal Guitar Saxophone) Mick Ronson (Vocal Guitar Piano) Trevor Bolder (Bass) Woody Woodmansey (Drums) David Bowie (Guitar Vocal) Hermione Farthingale (Guitar Vocal) John Hutchingson (Guitar Vocal). Please contact me at RARE 1974 BOWIE PHOTOS AVAILABLE Over ONE HUNDRED rare David Bowie photographs taken by Sunset Strip photographer MARVIN RINNIG from the Universal Ampitheatre, Los Angeles in September 1974. Limited edition 10x8 prints for an amazing 5.99 each There are also larger prints available: 11x4 8.99 and 13x9 11.99. Theres even an extra two special offers available - Buy any 5 and get the 6th FREE. or Buy any 10 and get 3 more FREE of charge Visit musikfoto and check out the amazing rare vintage photographs available. BOWIE VINYL FOR SALE I want to sell the vinyl-part of my Bowie collection. The collection contains Promo-Records, Radio Shows, Test Pressings etc. from over 30 countries. Please have a look at the enclosed list and the pictures which should give you an impression of the collection. The prices are a basis for discussion. If youre interested, please view my detailed list. Please email BOWIE PHOTOGRAPHS FOR SALE Never-before-seen David Bowie 1974 live show photographs shot by Lawrence Kirsch at the opening show of The Year Of The Diamond Dogs Tour at the Montreal Forum, Montreal, Canada on 14th June 1974. These 1974 photos, plus an extensive collection from the following David Bowie tours are available for purchase as fine art prints, and commercial and editorial use upon request: 1974, 1976, 1978, 1983, 1987, 1990 and 2003. Please visit Musicfoto for contact information. WANTED: BOWIE RCA CDs Any David Bowie RCA CDs. Top prices paid. I am a private collector. Please email DAVID BOWIE CDRs TO BUY David Bowie CDRs to buy or possibly trade. Looking for live or studio stuff from most years. Prefer to trade within U. K. Please email me at - thanks. BOWIE RECORDS FOR SALE Rare Bowie records for sale. All in ex to mint condition. All 7 inch and LP records before 1975. Most Japanese. Email me for list: WANTED: BOWIE LIVE Lost most of my Bowie collection as I have been travelling overseas since 1998. Have eventually settled down in the Turks and Caicos Islands and finally have the money to restore my collection. I am really interested in any live performances on cassette, CD, DVD and vinyl. If you able to help please email to: or WANTED: BOWIEBOLAN MATERIAL Im a big Bowie and Bolan fan and I am looking for any material directly related to either or BOTH. In particular: posters, videos, etc. Will pay your price on any items of interest, as long as it actually gets to me (in London) quickly and with no hassle. Will pay extra for quick postage. Please email me at - all enquiries welcome. RARE BOWIE LPs FROM 1978 Promo LP - RCA and Superstar Radio Network presents - An Evening with David Bowie. A 46 minute interview with David Bowie from 1978 - 25.00. Promo LP - Star bw What in the WorldBreaking Glass David Bowie 1978 Solid white unplayed - 40.00. Promo LP - Now - David Bowie 1978 1). V-2 Schneider, Always Crashing in the Same Car, Sons of the Silent Age, Breaking Glass, Neukoln 2) Speed of Life, Joe the Lion, What in the World, Blackout, Weeping Wall and the Secret Life of Arabia - 40.00. Email Carina at WANTED: DB TOUR LAMINATES David Bowie tour laminates wanted. All tours. Will buy or trade. Good prices paid. Email: WANTED: OFF THE RECORD and SHEET MUSIC Im looking for some Bowie sheet music songbooks, especially the series of Off the Record album transcripts. (Note: I have Hunky Dory and Space Oddity already - I believe other Off the Record books exist for the first LP, The Man Who Sold The World, Ziggy Stardust, Aladdin Sane and PinUps). Also of particular value would be songbooks for the Young Americans and quotHeroesquot albums. I am working on a book on Bowies songs, and these materials would be of great help to the project. Id be happy with PDFs or physical copies of these also. Please contact: PHILLY SOUL BOOTS WANTED I am looking to buy CDs from the 74 Philly Soul Tour. I will accept any boots from the era but I would especially love Infected with Soul Love and 1974. Name your own price or ask for an offer. Contact WANTED: ALADDIN SANE RCA W. GERMAN CD Hi Bowie fans, I am by no means a Bowie collector, but do have all his music and almost the entire run of RCA CDs with the exception of Aladdin Sane. Does anybody have a copy I could buytrade please I dont own a lot of Bowie memorabilia unfortunately, but do have copies of the recent Ziggy Stardust Story and Bowie at the BBC on DVD if anybody is interested Thanks for reading my message Trevor, London UK. DB CONCERT TICKETS David Bowie concert ticket stubs wanted. All tours. Will buy or trade. Good prices paid. Email: LOOKING FOR BOWIE Looking for David Bowie bootlegs. Email me for my list. Contact WANTED: DANA GILLESPIE Im looking for all sorts of memorabilia featuring Dana Gillespie. Also looking for rare releases. Among them are the following: Andy Warhol 7 Picture Sleeve, 1974 Japan RCA SS-(. ) and Werent Born A Man (with OBI) LP, Stock or Promo, 1974 Japan RCA (. ). Can someone help me. contact Frode at REALITY CDRs FROM 2004 Good quality Bowie Reality CDRs from 2004 shows at: Minneapolis and Chicago (All three nights from Chicago). Please contact me at: Im willing to buy or trade. Thank you DAVID BOWIE MAGAZINES FOR SALE I have a selection of French rock magazines about David Bowie available. Please email me for list BOWIE CDs TO SELL I have a collection of David Bowie CDs to sell. They are all silvers, on labels including STTP, Rattlesnake, Main Stream, Switch On, Kiss The Stone, and many more. There are live shows, demos and outtakes ranging from 1967 to 2003. Single CDs are pound25.00, doubles are pound40.00 and triples are pound60.00, I will do discounts for two or more titles, all CDs are sent on recorded delivery postage, there is no postage to pay regardless of how many titles you have and I accept cash (in any currency), cheques (UK bank only) and PayPal. If you would like a list email me on and I will send you a list. RARE BOWIE DVD FOOTAGE FOR TRADE I have a great collection of very rare David Bowie footage on DVD, VCD and VHS which I would like to trade. Some of the compilations are very rare as they have been made by myself and have not been reproduced. To take a look at my rare footage just visit my website or for more info please email me at: NEW BOWIE TRADER Hello I am a new trader and Im a huge Bowie fan, but I have nothing of his in my collection. So I was hoping to find some kind traders to help me seek them out. I really do hope I get some help finding a few, because in other places I have had no luck at all. Here is what Im looking for: David Bowie 50th Birthday Bash, Earthling TV, The Earthling Chronicles, Telling Stories, 20th Century Boy (Live With Placebo), After Hours, AE Live By Request. Any kind person nice enough to help me I have a little to trade and I could send a list Email me at - thank you for your time, Steven. Please mention BowieWonderworld when replying to any of these advertisements. DAVID BOWIE RECORDS FOR SALE All prices in English pounds David Bowie Space Oddity (LSP4813) Orig LP EXEX 10.00 David Bowie The World Of David Bowie (SPA58) Orig LP GVG 6.00 David Bowie Pin-Ups (RS1003) Orig LP EXEX 10.00 David Bowie David Live (APL20771) Orig Live Double Album EXEX 13.00 David Bowie Station To Station (APLI1327) Orig LP EXEX 8.00 David Bowie Young Americans (RS1006) Orig LP EXEX 8.00 David Bowie ChangesOne (RS1055) Orig LP EXEX 8.00 David Bowie Peter And The Wolf (RL12743) Orig LP EXEX 10.00 David Bowie Starting Point (LC50007) Orig USA LP MM 12.00 David Bowie Heroes (PL12522) Original Italian LP EXEX 10.00 David Bowie An Evening With brvbar (DJL13016) Orig USA White Label Promo Rare EXM 30.00 David Bowie Lodger (BOWLP1) Orig Gatefold LP EXEX 10.00 David Bowie Scary Monsters (BOWLP2) Orig LP EXEX 10.00 David Bowie Another Face (TAB17) Orig LP MM 9.00 David Bowie A Second Face (TAB71) Orig LP EXEX 8.00 David Bowie Dont Be F ooled By The Name (DOW1) Orig 10quot MM 10.00 David Bowie Golden Years (BOWLP4) Original Italian LP VGEX 10.00 David Bowie Rare (PL45406) Original LP MM 10.00 David Bowie John, Im Only Dancing (Again) (BOW124) Orig 12quot EXEX 6.00 David Bowie Live In Santa Monica 1972 Orig cassette EXEX 10.00 David Bowie The Laughing Gnome (DM123) Orig 7quot Co SleeveVG 6.00 David Bowie Space Oddity (310834) Orig Spanish 7quot EXEX 15.00 David Bowie Do Anything You Say (7NX8002) Orig 7quot Blue Label EP - VG 10.00 David Bowie Starman (RCA2199) Orig 7quot - VG 2.00 David Bowie Drive-In Saturday (RCA2352) Orig 7quot - VG 3.00 David Bowie Knock On Wood (RCA2466) Orig 7quot - EX 4.00 David Bowie Space Oddity (RCA2593) Orig 7quot 3 Track Special Co SleeveEX 5.00 David Bowie TVC15 (RCA2682) Orig 7quot - VG 2.50 David Bowie Boys Keep Swinging (BOW2) Orig 7quot VGEX 4.00 David Bowie DJ (BOW3) Orig 7quot VGEX 4.00 David Bowie Alabama Song (BOW5) Orig 7quot Poster Sleeve EXEX 5.00 David Bowie Ashes to Ashes (BOW6) Orig 7quot 2 Different covers EXEX 6.00 David Bowie Fashion (BOW7) Orig 7quot EXEX 4.00 David Bowie Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps ) (BOW8) Orig 7quot EXEX 4.00 David Bowie Up The Hill Backwards (BOW9) Orig 7quot EXEX 4.00 David Bowie Wild Is The Wind (BOW10) Orig 7quot VGEX 4.00 David Bowie in Bertolt Brechts Baal (BOW11) Orig Gatefold 7quot MM 6.00 David Bowie Bing Crosby Peace On Earth (BOW12) Orig 7quot VGEX 4.00 David Bowie Cat People (MCA770) Orig 7quot EXEX 4.00 David Bowie Lets Dance (EA152) Orig 7quot MM 3.00 David Bowie China Girl (EA157) Orig 7quot MM 4.00 David Bowie Mick Jagger Dancing In The Street (EA204) Orig 7quot EXEX 4.00 David Bowie Underground (EA216 ) Orig 7quot EXEX 4.00 Davie Jones and The King Bees Liza Jane (F13807) Orig 7quot Co SleeveEX 5.00 Davy Jones and The Lower 3rd The Manish Boys EP (EMI2925) Orig 7quot Demo EXEX 40.00 Michael Coates 203 Tebay Drive, Slatyford, N ewcastle on Tyne NE5 2XJ, United Kingdom Contact: Michael at Click on the banner above or visit musicfoto to view a whole range of different artists. DAVID BOWIE LIVE - TRADING ONLY Early 70s London Paris Cinema Studios 05021970 1CD Aylesbury Friars - Pro Master 250971 1CD has 1 second gaps between tracks The Ziggy Stardust Tour Kingston Polytechnic 6572 1CD Brilliant Starman Over The Rainbow - London 190872 plus BBC sessions Very Good 2CDs Cleveland Ohio 25th November 1972 gaps between each track but quality excellent 1CD Suicide Attack Tokyo, Japan 200473 Excellent Last Panic Detroit 01051973 Very Good 5 Minutes Mr Bowie 240573 1CD Lewisham Odeon soundcheck plus Bolan Marc shows rehearsals, Brilliant Hammersmith Odeon 03071973 His Masters Voice 1CD Excellent 1980 Floor Show - The Marquee Club - 18-20th October 1973 - 2CDs Superb The Diamond DogsSoul Tour Strange Fascination 050974 Los Angeles 2CDs Superb Madison, Wisconsin 101074 plus Tampa, Florida 020774 2CDs Detroit 161074 1CD Inc rare Somebody Up There live The Soul Tour Atlanta Omni 01121974 1CD Inc rare Win live The Station To Station World Tour The Vancouver 1976 Rehearsals 020276 Cleveland, USA 280276 2CDs Springfield, USA 210376 2CDs Wembley Empire Pool 080576 2CDs The Low And Heroes World Tour L. A Slaughter in the Air 040478 2 CDs Chicago 170478 2CDs Vienna Stadthalle 27051978 2CDs Another Stage Gothenburg 040678 2 CDs Superb Glasgow 200678 2CDs Earls Court 300678 2CDs Very Good Earls Court 01071978 2CDs Kiss You In The Rain Melbourne 181178 1CD The Serious Moonlight World Tour Tremble Like A Flower, Wembley Arena 03061983 1 CD good gaps between tracks. Wembley Arena Serious Moonlight 4th June 1983 2CDs Birmingham NEC Serious Moonlight 5th June 1983 2CDs Very Good Fejus, France 27th May 1983 2CDs Gothenburg, Sweden 12th June 1983 2CDs Hammersmith Odeon Serious Moonlight 30th June 1983 2CDs No Religion Milton Keynes 030783 2CDs Excellent Forum, Montreal, Canada 13071983 2CDs Superb The Glass Spider World Tour Wembley Stadium Glass Spider 190687 2CDs Very Good Slane Castle, Dublin 110787 2CDs Maine Road, Manchester 140787 2CDs Madison Square Garden, New York 10987 2CDs Sydney 71187 2CDs Montreacuteal 87, 30081987 2CDs The Sound And Vision World Tour Rehearsing Sound and Vision 021990 Birmingham NEC 20031990 2 CDs Tokyo 160690 2CDs Detroit 240690 2CDs Milton Keynes Bowl 05081990 2CDs Rio de Janeiro 200990 2CDs Sao Paulo 230990 1CD The Outside World Tour Great Woods Art Centre, Mansfield, USA 16091995 2CDs Live Hate St Louis 11101995 2CDs (with NIN) Superb Atlanta 091095 1CD My Death, Oslo 22011996 1CD Excellent Bring On The Chien, Paris 20021996 2CDs Excellent Tokyo 04061996 2CDs Excellent Bowie Hits The Road Tokyo, 05061996 2 CDs Superb Hiroshima, Japan Cherry Bowie 08061996 2CDs superb Japan 10061996 2 CDs Kremlin Palace, Moscow 18061996 1CD Phoenix Festival 18071996 2CDs superb The Earthling World Tour Changes At 50, 08011997 (Radio 1 FM) 50th Birthday Show 09011997 2CDs London, Hanover Grand Song and Dance 02061997 2CDs Superb Amsterdam 100697 1CD Utrecht 110697 2CDs Soylent Green Frauenfeld, Switzerland, 13071997 2 CDs Nantes 160797 2CDs Glasgow 220797 2CDs Shepherds Bush Empire 12081997 2 CDs Excellent Budapest 140897 1CD L. A. Revisited, Los Angeles 12091997 1 CD last half of show Very good Boston 11097 2CDs Quickfire Capitol Theatre, Port Chester 14101997 plus Hamburg 05061997 Superb 2CDs Radio City Music Hall 151097 2CDs Excellent Vienna 171097 2CDs Voyeur Santiago, Chile 051197 2CDs Superb The Hours Promotional Tour Dublin 101099 1CD NYC Kit Kat Club (TV) 19111999 Very Good Wednesdays Child (FM) Montreal Musi que 221199 Bonus London, Astoria 021299 2 CDs Excellent The 2000 Mini Tour Roseland Ballroom, New York 16062000 2CDs Still Hunky Dory - Roseland, New York 190600 2CDs Superb Glastonbury Festival 250600 2 CD Heathen World Tour Roseland Ballroom (New York) 11062002 2CDs AEs Live By Request, New York, 15062002 2CDs Meltdown 2002 (Royal Festival Hall) 290602 2CDs Olympia Music Hall, Paris 01072002 2CDs Quart Festival, Kristensand, Norway 03072002 2 CDs Ostend 070702 2CDs Manchester Move Festival 100702 2 CDs Cologne 120702 2CDs Nimes 140702 2CDs Lucia 150702 2CDs Montreal, Canada 180702 2CDs Area 2 Mansfield, Boston, 03082002 2CDs Detroit 060802 1CD Area 2 Tinley Park, Chicago, 08082002 1CDs Seattle Your Gorgeous 160802 2CDs Superb Berlin, Germany 220902 2CDs Paris, France 240902 2CDs Paris, France 250902 2CDs Museumsplatz, Bonn, Germany 27092002 2CDs Hammersmith Odeon 21002 3CDs Snug Harbour, New York 111002 2CDs St Annes Warehouse, Brooklyn, New Jersey 12102002 2CDs Queens College, New York 16102002 2 CDs Beacon Theatre, New York 201002 2CDs A Few Words For You, Boston, 23102002 2CDs Tibet House 1, 2, 3. 25201, 21202 and 28203 2 CDs Reality Tour Surreality Chance Theatre, New York 19th August 2003 2CDs The Forum, Copenhagen 071003 2CDs Superb Stockholm 081003 2 CDs Oslo 12102003 2CDs Rotterdam, Holland 15102003 2CDs Frankfurt, Germany 18102003 2CDs Bercy, Paris 201003 2CDs Excellent Bercy, Paris 211003 2CDs Excellent Milan 23rd October 2003 2CDs Zurich 24102003 2CDs Stuttgart 26th October 2003 2CDs Vienna, Austria 29102003 2CDs Cologne 311003 2CDs Berlin 03112003 4CDs Antwerp 05112003 2CDs Lille 071103 2CDs Amneville 081103 2CDs Nice 10th November 2003 2CDs Marseille 14112003 2CDs Lyon 15th November 2003 2CDs Birmingham NEC 19th November 2003 2CDs Birmingham NEC 20th November 2003 2 CDs Excellent Dublin 22nd November 2003 2 CDs Dublin 23rd November 2003 3CDs Superb Wembley Arena 25th November 2003 2CDs Excellent Wembley Arena 26th November 2003 2CDs Excellent Glasgow S. E.C. 28th November 2003 2CDs Excellent Paradiso Island, Bahamas 20th December 2003 FM Radio Special 1CD 2004 leg Cleveland 070104 2CDs Minneapolis 11012004 2CDs Chicago 130104 2CDs Chicago 14012004 2CDs Superb Chicago 16012004 2 CDs Denver 19012004 2 CDs Los Angeles, Shine Auditorium 31012004 2CDs Los Angeles 02022004 2CDs Sydney 20022004 2CDs Sydney 21022004 2 CDs Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne, Australia 260204 2CDs Excellent Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne, 27022004 2 CDs Perth, Australia 01032004 2CDs Mini clicks bt songs The Budokan, Tokyo 08032004 2CDs Superb, great set The Budokan, Tokyo 09032004 2CDs Osaka, 11th March 2004 2CDs Air Canada Centre, Toronto 01042004 2CDs Kelowna, British Columbia 11042004 2CDs Santa Barbara Bowl, California 190404 2CDs Excellent Los Angeles 22042004 2CDs Austin 27042004 2CDs Atlanta 08052004 2CDs Starlight Theatre, Kansas City 10052004 s CDs Excellent 1 sec gaps Hershey, PA 13052004 2CD Milwaukee 19052004 2CDs Quad Cities, Moline 22052004 2CDs Buffalo 25052004 2 CDs Borgata Hotel, Casino Spa, Atlantic City 29053004 2 CDs excellent, Bowie on top form Atlantic City 30052004 2CDs Jones Beach Theatre, New York 04062004 2 CDs Excellent Hokmdol, New Jersey 05062004 2 CDs Excellent 1 sec gaps Amsterdam 11062004 2CDs Isle Of Wight 13062004 2 CDs Full show lsquoNorwegian Wood Oslo, Norway 18062004 2 CDs Miscellaneous In The Studio 1997 Radio Show celebrating 25th Anniversary of Ziggy Stardust 1CD BBC Radio Show 27062000 2CDs Heathen in London - Maida Vale studios 180902, Parkinson 21902, Jools Holland Show 21902 1CD Seven Months in America Radio shows interview 1CD 1971 Radio Interview from Philadelphia, USA 1CD Johnny Walker Radio Show interviews David Bowie includes many songs old, new and rare 1CD Rockline Radio Interview 24092003 1CD Two Radio Interviews from September 2003 1CD. Trades Welcome - Please contact DAVID BOWIE VIDEO FOOTAGE Make your own video: Pick what you want from the list below and Ill put it on tape for you. Maximum time 3 hours per tape. pound15.00 per tape (including pp) in UK, Overseas pp on request. To Love You Till Tuesday (28 mins) Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars (90 mins) Cracked Actor 1975 (54 mins) The Man Who Fell To Earth (widescreen, 133 mins) Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence (122 mins) The Hunger (93 mins) Serious Moonlight (90 mins) Ricochet (the making of Serious Moonlight, 60 mins) Jazzin For Blue Jean (full length, 27 mins) Just A Gigolo (90 mins) Labyrinth (92 mins) Glass Spider (105 mins) Black Tie White Noise (63 mins) The Video Collection 1972-1990 (105 mins) Live in Germany Outside tour 26 June 96 (97 mins) The Linguini Incident (100 mins) Planet Rock Profile 1997 (19 mins) Net Aid 91099 (20 mins) T. F.I. Friday (81099 (16 mins) Top of the Pops 2 November 1999 (37 mins) Later With Jools Holland December 1999 (22 mins) The Hunger Sci. Fi channel (23 mins) Storytellers VH-1 February 2000 (45 mins) VH-1 1 To 1 February 2000 (23 mins) T. F.I. Friday 2362000, 2 songs (8 mins) Glastonbury, BBC footage 2562000 (50 mins) Brit Awards with Placebo (20th Century Boy 4 mins) Walk On The Wild Side, documentary including Bowie (50 mins) Behind The Music, Iggy Pop includes footage of Bowie, Basquiat (107 mins), Baal (65 mins), Pierrot In Turquoise (The Looking Glass Murders 25 mins), Thursdays Child shown on Channel ORF1 (5 mins), Little Wonder Telling Lies (unknown 10 mins), Freddie Mercury Tribute (16 mins), Highlights from Live Aid (10 mins), The White Room November 1996 (12 mins), OGWT Queen Bitch (3 mins), TOTP Tribute (15 mins), MTV Documentary 1990 (25 mins) MTV Interviews 20 mins), Dancing In The Street Music Documentary 1996 (30 mins), Later With Jools Holland 1996 (20 mins), Intervi ew on American TV 1993 (15 mins), Jay Leno Show to promote Outside Tour (7 mins), Bowies Tribute to Lou Reed (7 mins), Live at Phoenix Festival 1997 (25 mins), Live in NY Port Chester 1997 (45 mins), David Fanning Interview (24 mins), Angie Bowie Interview (8 mins), Live in Japan Sound and Vision Tour 1990 (134 mins), Bowie and Tin Machine on Wogan (8 mins), Tin Machine at Paramount City (5 mins), Tin Machine on TOTP (4 mins), Live at the Beat Club (45 mins), Greatest Hits VH1 (23 mins), The Image, short bw film (14 mins), Luv Ice Cream Advert (30 secs), Full Stretch (52 mins), Dream On, three episodes (75 mins), Lulu singing The Man Who Sold The World (4 mins), Mr Rices Secret, (90 mins), Everybody Loves Sunshine, (90 mins), Tin Machine live in Hamburg 1989, DB live in Dublin 1995 (through a camcorder), DB live in Dublin 1997 (through a camcorder) Dr Bowie and Mr Jones on FrenchGerman TV 3101 (60 mins), Out On The Green Frauenfell (camcorder) 13797 (102 mins), Montreal (3 songs) (12 m ins), Soul Train: Fame (3 mins), Afternoon Plus 12279, Film Absolute Beginners (103 mins), Absolute Beginners Documentary (6 mins), Cher Show 231175 (15 mins), H. F. 12 1976 (3 mins), Friday Night Saturday Morning 101080 (18 mins), Russell Harty Plus 281175 (29 mins), Late Night with Conan OBrien (14 mins). Please note all videos are in PAL format. When contacting please state where your videos are to be sent as free post and packing only within the UK. If you need more information please contact me at Search all of the World Wide Web on one page for David Bowie information To advertise FREE on the BowieWonderworld Trading Post Please email your advertisement copy to:Connecting individuals who require, or have available, items related to the collection or restoration of COCKSHUTT equipment and memorabilia. To place an ad, e-mail rbonnin14gmail Please let us know when to cancel an ad if the item is sold. 2617 Reproduction 3-point extension parts will be brought to the 2017 Spring Meet by request only. If you are looking for these parts please email or call before the meet. Contact: Chuck Phillips Phone: 814-282-0208 Email: usmcretzoominternet 2117 The 2017 ICCI spring meeting in Johnson Creek, Wisconsin is right around the corner. I will be bringing most of the ICCI memorabilia for display and sale as usual. If there is any thing in particular you want drop me a note to make sure I have it for you as hauling space is limited. I will be bringing very little used and restoration parts so if you need something again drop me a note to better the chance I may have it. Contact: Irv Buttray Email snrdrillmsn or call 724-253-4285 FOR SALE: For sale: 1953 Co-op E5 tractor. Sn. 309 Standard wide front, rock shaft, pto, fenders, hydraulics. Restored in 2000. Asking 4,000.00 or best offer. Steven Canfield Crawfordsville, In. 317-800-9980 FOR SALE: 1949 cockshutt 30 for sale sandblasted, primed and painted, many many many new parts show or work ready 3500 OBO Contact: John williamson 134 w Joliet st Schererville, In 46375 219 808 7546 FOR SALE: Cockshutt 50D Tractor, Engine ndash 6DA273, Serial 73039, Original Paint, Original Everything, Belt pulley, PTO, Rear Hydraulics, 4 New Tires and Tubes Cockshutt 110 Drill Cockshutt Parts: 1-50D Injection Pump ndash New 1-50D Rebuilt Starter 1-50D Rebuilt Generator 2-Battery Boxes 2-50D Rebuilt Engines 50D Wide Front amp A Frame 34rdquo Rear Rims 34rdquo Cast Iron Centers Call John 419-631-2044 12616 FOR SALE: 1951 Cockshutt 40. Bored to 3 916 247, aluminum pistons, NFE, 3 pt with rebuilt original Cockshutt cylinder, excellent condition, runs good, tires good. Was painted in 96. Contact Gene 419-303-8682 111816 FOR SALE: Cockshutt 80 and 99 Both original and in good working order. 800.00 per piece Contact: James (403)843-3096 103116 FOR SALE: 8203 1951 Cockshutt 40 - Fully restored. New paint. New tires. SN: 40 2613 PRICE: 4,500 or best offer 1956 Cockshutt 50-Deluxe - In great shape. Good tires. Runs great. SN: 50 20016 PRICE: 4,500 or best offer Contact information: Dave Hoffert Email: djhoffertlive Call or text: 1-308-353-0120 101016 FOR SALE: Cockshutt 20, low serial number, 124 engine, runs great, repainted, good tires w wheel weights, 3 point and a new battery. 4000. 8203Contact: Jim Northrup 315 762 3752 or jnorthrutwcny. rr 82016 FOR SALE: CoOp2 wide front perfect project tractor - belt pulley - pto - all sheet metal - new starter - original hubs. not on tractor at the time being - has been converted - has been converted to 12v - Radiator has been refinished - gas tank has been cleaned and coated - comes with 2 Chrysler 6 cylinder flatheads, one in tractor now is not original and not quite finish getting hooked up, I have the original engine and itrsquos not stuck but not running at the time being, and missing a few bolt on components. - oversized tires in the rear. - price is negotiable, willing to hall for the right price - Contact Logan McDonald Akron, indiana call or text 2609010910 email: logancummins94yahoo82016 FOR SALE: 7416 FOR SALE: Beautiful Cockshutt 35, all brand new tires, all rims sand blasted and repainted, head redone and engine cleaned and inspected for wear. Have pictures of cylinders and pistons. All in great condition. new plugs wires and carb kit installed. New decal kit ( McLure ) included as well as manuals. Priced way less than what I have in it but needs to go to a new home. Come and drive it away. Located in Lloydminster Alberta. Email for more info olepetetelus 7116 FOR SALE: Cockshutt 350 square baler, good original shape, very rare interesting machine, perfect for a Cockshutt collector, been stored inside. We are in Eastern Ontario, Phone 613-931-1263 4716 FOR SALE: 8203A-1 Condition, 1951 Cockshutt 40, 12 volt system, new battery, approx 50 hours since engine rebuild, new brake seals, new front tires, weighted rear tires, wide front end, 3-pt. Harder to find this age in such great shape. 6250.00 Call for more info: 715-977-0022 Don 31916 FOR SALE: Along with all the other Cockshutt and COOP parts I have, I now have 2 Cockshutt 1250 gas tractors for parts. Call or email with you needs. Irv Buttray 724-253-4285 snrdrillmsn Sandy Lake, PA. 3916 FOR SALE: 7600 I. H. Truck with 25 flatbed, 10 speed, c-10 cat engine, needs engine. 7,500. Call Bob at 517-278-5585, Coldwater, MI 22916 8203FOR SALE: Decided to thin the herd so I am selling some old tractors that have been sitting in the barn collecting dust. Most have not been started in years so will require fresh gas and a battery and who knows what else. They vary in condition from yard art to restored show quality. they are: 1952 Cockshutt 20, very nice original, narrow front, 3-point, good tires, runs good, pic4 sold 1947 Co-op E3, a little rough but engine turns over, not run in 20 years, sold new at Battle Ground Dairymans Co-op to Bonanza Nursery, pic6 500 1947 Co-op E3, chassis-no engine or wheels, has 8 speed hi-lo trans, pic2 200. 1947 Co-op E3, cherry original, exceptionally straight sheet metal but engine stuck, pic5 600. 1948 Co-op E3, very rough but complete, engine stuck-block cracked, yard art. pic3 250. 1949 Co-op E3, a little rough, engine stuck, has rare 3-point, pic7 450. 1950 Cockshutt 40, beautiful. older restoration, runs sweet, rare 3-point, pic1 4500. 1955 Cockshutt 50 Diesel Wheatland, good original, has rare Star wheels and factory power steering, runs good, excellent tires, pic9 3500. 1959 Cockshutt 570, Hot Rod Puller tractor, Hercules GO339 130hp. engine, top cut tires, wheelie bars, hydraulic amp PTO block-off plates, weighs 5300lbs. OTPA 2014 King of the Hill, pic116000. 1961 Cockshutt 570 Super Wheatland, nice original but engine stuck, nice tires, PS, pic8 2500 1962 Co-op CCIL 570 Super Wheatland, very nice original, excellent sheet metal and tires, runs great, PS, pic10 5000. Engines: Buda 6B273, bare block with 262 stroker crank and 6B230 core engine for head, pan, etc. 1000. (sale pending) Hercules D298 diesel, complete and runs good, out of 59 570 1000. Hercules GO298 block, head, cam and misc. 200. 8203Contact: Tony Sha (360) 450-1482 or e-mail thecoopkidgmail 22816 8203FOR SALE: 1955 Cockshutt 50 D - wt. 18 wheels, power steering cylinder - 18.4x34 star wheels - parts or whole. 273 Engine Disassembled. 1955 Cockshutt 50 Diesel had wf - 18 wheels wp5 cylinger 34 star wheels. Contact: Robert Patch at 517-278-5585 or 8203Mcfarland01hotmail. FOR SALE. Cockshutt Implements - Cockshutt Hay baler no 375 around 1940-50 made by Riviere Casalis for Cockshutt ( very special item ) - no 325 uml uml 1957 with a Wisconsin engine ( 4 cyl model VF4 ). very clean unit . - uml uml uml mower ( horse unit ) - uml uml uml uml uml no 315. pulled type for tactor ( another one for parts ) - uml uml combine no SP-428 not running - uml uml uml uml no PT-422. very clean unit . - uml uml hay rake no 311 - uml uml hay loader ( 2 ) no 3 and no 3A - uml uml seeder no 110. very clean unit . - Frost amp Wood horse mower around 1930 You can see the picture of my collection on the web site. lespac advertising no 33090388 and 33104551 . N. B. I speak FRENCH but I try to do the best I can in your language. I would appreciate to receive an E-mail first and later on I will see if I have to call you I am located at 163 DUBE, Laurierville, P. Quebec Canada G0S 1P0 E-mail. puccharest2014hotmail Phone. 1-819-365-1079 ( answering machine ) FOR SALE: Completed restored Cockshutt 30. Many many new parts. Sandblasted, primed and painted. Note: painted to a 35 scheme, yellow and red, new decals 4300 OBO John Williamson by phone 219 808 7546 or at John. Williamsonhbaptist Located in Schererville, In. FOR SALE: 1960 Cockshutt 550. Hercules 4cyl. gas, 3pt hitch, remote cyl. LPTO, belt pulley, no dents, good tires, not loaded, rear wheel whts, original bill of sale, owner and parts manuals. 4,000.00 or best offer. Email: mlowery90gmail Located in Clarington Ontario FOR SALE: Reducing collection. Cockshutt 30, 1948 SN 14912 complete and show room condition Cockshutt 40, 1951 SN 6014 or 8014, PTO, pulley amp draw bar Cockshutt 70, 1947 SN 313798. PTO amp draw bar. no rear wheel tire amp no rear fenders Cockshutt 70, HART PARR 1938 SN 302787. PTO amp drawbar. rear wheel steel amp front wheel tire Cockshutt 411R 1958. PTO, HYD amp draw bar. 2 engines amp radiators Located in Laurierville, P. Quebec Canada G0S 1P0 Speaks French but does well with English - prefers Email puccharest2014hotmail or hone 1-819-365-1079 ( answering machine ) WANTED: We are in search of a govenor for a 1956-58 Blackhawk 35 with a 4 cylinder gas engine. You can contact Mike Paulson at 701-438-2695. FOR SALE: 1967 Cockshutt 1550 55 HP gas loader tractor with original Cockshutt loader. Has 4130 original hours. Runs and drives great. Has a 6 foot bucket with a strong loader. Always stored inside. Looks like new.6,500 US. Only selling because I dont use it much and need the room. Located in Oil City Ontario Canada N0N 1N0. Contact: 519-882-0188 FOR SALE: 1947 Cockshutt 60 Restored. I can deliver to the national Show that is at the Fulton County Fair next year. 5,500. Email for pics and details. Contact: Kevin Aeschliman by phone at 419-822-1998 or e-mail kaeschlimanembarqmail WANTED: Looking for shares, moldboards, and landslides for a Cockshutt 2 furrow drag plow. I dont know what model it is and if it helps I can send pictures. Paul Brownell, 905-925-6633 or paul. b.brownellgmail. FOR SALE: I have for sale a CO-OP sickle bar mower model E15B. 9ft. kept inside, still has CO-OP logo on wooden guard. Includes original operators manual. Runs smooth. Made in Canada of coursehellip 450. Please no calls after 7pmhellip1-989-634-9794hellipLocated in Byron, Michigan. WANTED: Parts for MC-3 cultivator or 1515A15B15A-s sickle mowers. Contact: Jack C. Anderson, 2010 T Avenue, Madrid, IA 50156, phone 515-795-4099 or Email jcanderswindstream FOR SALE: 4 row mounted Cockshutt cultivator. Came off a Cockshutt 50. No rear sweeps. Looks complete. Stored outside. 500. Located at Beatrice, Nebraska. Call 402 230-0177 11415 8203 Wanted: Belt pulley for Cockshutt 50, 40 or 35 murpheidnet. org WANTED: A cigarette lighter with the Cockshutt insignia on it. My father was a welder during WW ll at the factory in Brantford, and later he became the time keeper during the late 40s and early 50s, and then retired after 35 years after surviving the White Motor and Miniappolis Moline take overs. So I have lots of Cockshutt memoribilia including a Lufkin Tape Measure with the Cockshutt symbol, still in the original blue box it came in. The only thing I am missing is a cigarette lighter that he used (he being an avid smoker in those days). I remember how worn smooth it was, so I hope there are some still around and its the only thing that has gone missing from his suit case of Cockshutt things. If you know where one is and for sale, I am very interested in purchasing it. You may contact me at this email tspaulrogers or by phone at 519-304-2759 (a Brantford number) Thank you for your help finding one of the lighters. Sincerely Terry Paul (son of Dez Paul, weldertimekeeper) FOR SALE: Im selling off my assortment of Cockshutt tractors and parts: Complete units: New Style Cockshutt 1950 with GMC diesel 1850 with 354 Perkins diesel 570 diesel wheatland PD40 with Suncast wheelsweights and belt pulley Parts: Several 560s incomplete (1) 570 Super broken block Lots of parts, too many to list including several 40 Diesel engines both early and late. The complete units have been running within the last 4 years, the 1950 was doing hay until last year. Be reasonable and Ill help you out with the units or parts. I dont have enough time to properly restore these units and I dont want them wasting away. My American friends I have no problem helping you out if your interested in parts or units. Delivery on the units within Canada is possible as far as Ontario, might be able to do Northern States. (Ive got my own highway tractor and equipment trailer) Kevin Johnston REDCO Process amp Production Services Ltd Celebrating 36 years of Dedicated Quality Service (780)991-1213 REDCOSERVICES. CA FOR SALE: 1948 Cockshutt 40 Buda Diesel, rebuilt in 1967 by PAL Engines out of Orillia Ontario, Tractor has always been drive shed kept, tires are good, runs well, shifts well, clutch works well, doesnrsquot smoke at all when running, starts right up. Located in Midland Ontario, have recent videos of Tractor running and driving. Asking 4500 O. B.O Contact Nathan at infotreemover. ca 65279 FOR SALE: Contact: Tom Mazzeo at tmazzeonc. rr. Buda 4-cyl engine parts for the Cockshutt 30. middot Rocker arm assembly middot Valve cover middot Oil pan middot Timing gears middot Flywheel middot Timing gear cover and base plate middot Oil pump middot Radiator Fan Blade middot Generator middot Starter middot Clutch assembly with LPTO Spider middot Cam shaft middot Front engine mounting bracket middot Dipstick middot Carburetor middot Governor assembly middot Misc pipes for air intake and cooling Cockshutt Model 30 parts: middot Gas tank middot Entire LPTO rear unit with input shaft middot Transmission shifter assembly middot Tool box FOR SALE: I have a 1973 White 107 Lawn Tractor for sale. It has been in the family since 1973. My dad worked out of Brantford as a Service Representative for the White Farm Equipment in southern Ontario. I remember when he brought it home still in the crate. It has always had a light blue mower deck. I am contacting your organization because there might be someone who appreciates it, Instead of just being a 42 year old lawn tractor. I do not know what it is worth but I think 550.00 is reasonable. It runs very well, just installed a new battery. The engine is the original 7.5 HP Briggs and Stratton. It has cut grass. Although years ago my grandfather would use it to plow his driveway. The blade attachment was for the 12 HP model so it was a little too heavy. The blade is long gone when my father was down sizing back in the early nineties. Contact: Larry Beams, 519-669-3155 or email albeamsrogers FOR SALE: Selling a E-3 tractor with wide front and live hydraulics. engine is stuck, will need tires, great restoration project. located in central Mn. near Little Falls. 950.00. 320-732-2272 WANTED: I need a governor overhaul kit or a complete assembly for an E4. It just smoked itself and I dont know why. I appreciate any help possible. Thank you, Lane Ironfarmcomcast 574-340-5567 WANTED: Currently looking for an operational or restorable SP 112 Cockshutt combine. Responses may be made by email to bigdaddybehlyahoo or phone 1-763-688-3448 WANTED: I am looking for a small Cockshutt plow of any kind ( horse drawn ) to display in front of our old store front. This old barn store is one of the Cockshutt dealerships long located in Finch Ontario. We will be putting the old Cockshutt logo on the windows and give it the appearance of the old dealership. So having a item to display out front would be great. Finch is also hosting the IPM this year. We will be leaving the decals in the windows from now on. Sean Mullin 613-984-2221 Finch Ontario WANTED I am looking for 40 Deluxe tractor. Please email at dabelnnvc or call 605-397-8114 FOR SALE: I have a 1950 Cockshutt 30 Tractor for sale, (gas). Seems a shame to send to scrap yard if someone could restore to itsrsquo original glory. Not sure if it still runs, was used on our wood lot by late husband until several years ago. Asking 1000. obo, Serious inquiries only please. sparemeaminyahoo. ca (613)210-0819 FOR SALE: Cockshutt 30 NFE, Front Hydraulics. 40 1950, SWFE, Gas, Older Re-Paint. 50 1956, SWFE, Gas, Cast Fronts, Star Rears, Belt Pulley, Re-Paint. 60 Standard 1947, Restored, Good Rubber. 550 1960 Gas, SWFE, Original, Nice. E4 1956 DSL, SWFE, Original, 99 perfect. To good to restore. Golden Arrow 13, SWFE, Restored, Perfect. The E4 and the Golden Arrow must be seen to appreciate. Contact Dan: Any time before 9PM 616-438-8657 or 7-9PM 616-887-7462. Michigan. 293 Anyone who may be interested in buying patterns and molds for Cockshutt three point hitch and any and all pre-made parts on hand, pleases contact Chuck Phillips, 814-425-3239 or e-mail usmcretzoominternet FOR SALE: Restored Cockshutt 40, standard wide front. 4,000.00 Contact Chuck Phillips at 814-282-0208 or e-mail usmcretzoominternet FOR SALE: Restored Cockshutt 35 Deluxe, adjustable wide front with 3 point hitch. 4,800.00. Contact Chuck Phillips at 814-282-0208 or e-mail usmcretzoominternet FOR SALE: 70 Oliver NFE chassis with no wheels. Includes transmission and rear end. Asking 300.00 Contact: Jean-Guy Bonin at 705-983-2156 or e-mail boninjacques01gmail WANTED: I am looking for 14 Cockshutt speed plow points. These have a single bolt on Face and two on shin side of point. The plow is a Two bottom trailer type. If anyone has points or know where to find some I would be thankful. Contact Daryl Hengesbach at boonedarryahoo FOR SALE: I have a Co-op E3 tractor that has a narrow front end, HiLow transmission, PTO, and a Hydraulic lift. The tractor has newer rear tires. It has good sheet metal older restoration. Located in New Bremen, OH. Asking 3,000. Call 419-733-8815. Ask for Brian. FOR SALE: Co-op E112B speedy plow 2x12 pull type plow. Rope trip plow fair tires plows great. Asking 300.00 located in New Bremen Ohio. Ask for Brian WANTED: Looking for a Cockshutt 1850 serial plate in good condition. Contact: Bill, AUSTRALIA. Email - homeleigh1hotmail. WANTED: I need one front hub dust cap T 8831 is the original part number for a 1948 E3 Co op (tricycle front). Contact: David Dolvin in Upper Marlboro, MD at david. dolvingmail WANTED: 2-14rdquo or 2-16rdquo Cockshutt trailer plow, rope trip, on rubber. If in Ontario, the closer to Port HuronSarnia area the better. Am interested only in a very good one. I will be in Michigan in the Spring to pick up a 30. AndreeMerr FOR SALE: Cockshutt 40 deluxe, runs good, good paint and tires, has lower rock shaft and belt pulley drive. 5500 740-607-1074 WANTED: I am in need of a fuel pump for a 1951 Cockshutt 40D with the Perkins 269 engine. Anyone out there who has one available degoaliehotmail WANTED: I have a single cast 38 wheel center. Located in Wisconsin. Would like to get another one. Going on a e4 for pulling in 5500 and 6000 pound classes. Cast into it is T16599x. Contact Bob Fields at bdfieldsyahoo FOR SALE: 1550 cockshutt serial 208919-504, Gas engine, Hydrapowerdrive, 18.4x30 rears, Straight metal, good runner, good tires 4,200.00 Ottawa Ontario 613-838-5777 FOR SALE: 1958 Cockshutt 570. In running condition. Hercules diesel, wide front, wheatland fenders. 2,000 Contact Tony 218-465-4353 or e-mail at tgerardygvtel Plummer, MN. FOR SALE: I have a steering box that I bought for my 1855 and never used. I understand it also fits a White 2-160. Asking 150. Call Dave at 403-935-4906 or email at whitfieldfarmsgmail . WANTED: I have a 1958 Cockshutt 550 I am located in Brantford Ontario Canada I am looking for a three point hitch set up if anyone can help that would be great. E-mail Adam at glenmorrishick hotmail FOR SALE: Cockshutt 50 SWFE Complete frame up restoration includes, total rebuild on engine, professionally painted, new tires, parades only and never used for pulling. Price 10,500.00. Contact 250 545 2373 and leave message. Located in Vernon, BC WANTED: I am looking for a water pump for a Cockshutt 35 deluxe with a Hercules engine. I sent mine out in the mail to get rebuilt and it is lost in the mail someplace. I am just trying anything at this point to find one. Contact: John at johne623yahoo WANTED: Trying to restore a Cockshutt 3 bottom, 16inch plow. Only info I have on the plow are two stamped markings up on the braces where the top link attaches and the stampings are: P-11159 and P11058. I would like information on the model of the plow and if there were any decals applied to the plow and where they were locatedAlso, want to buy: 3 plow shares 3 coulter bearings or complete coulters in good share 1 tail wheel bearing Contact: Keith Riley at krileyelanco or 402-563-4819 FOR SALE: Cockshutt model 15AS mower needs a new home. Has been restored, used to mow hay and stored in barn. Contact Bob Dutton at 614-938-2182. WANTED: I am looking for a Cockshutt 50 .040 oversized piston. Call Code at 403-594-0990 FOR SALE: 1956 Cockshutt Golden Arrow Serial Number 16014 excellent sheet metal New rubber and tubes, Hercules 4 cyl gas engine rebuilt no more than 200 hours on engine, new rad, 3pt hitch with hydraulics, adjustable front end, in family for 20 plus years also have a set of new vinyl decals for it. Serious inquiries only. Contact. 519-446-2518 or email brenda. louchhotmail. ca WANTED: Restored Super 570 Cockshutt, Needs to be a Rowcrop and have 3pt. Please call Gary at 402-659-4932 or email juranekcox WANTED: Cockshutt 20, part to hold rear wheel weight on 28 rear wheels, part T-18000.I need two but would also be interested in four and a set of rear wheel weights. I will be at the spring meet so could pickup then. Lonnie 819-458-2142 WANTED: 1 Co op tractor. All conditions considered. Jason 605 470 0489 10282013 WANTED: I need 16 in moldboards for a Cockshutt 280 3 bottom plow. If not Cockshutt, something more common that will bolt up. If you know of anything, please email at kevin. j.duvallgmail 10222013 FOR SALE: Six ( 6 ) Cockshutt wheel weights. Cockshutt part TO-13991. Fit 40rsquos after serial 25000 amp 50rsquos after serial 15000. Excellent condition. gderringerembarqmail Contact Gene Derringer, Harrod, Ohio. 419-303-8682 10192013 WANTED: Rear rim for a Cockshutt 570 row crop 34 by 15 i think is what it is. I also am looking for a rear rim for a E4 with the rectangle lugs. Larry Palmer, Albion, IN 260-636-2605 10152013 FOR SALE: 1961 Cockshutt 570 super with brand new 3400 Hercules turbo diesel engine, new clutch, good tires, has 3 point hitch, this is a nice tractor. 8500 FOR SALE: Cockshutt 40 buda diesel, I have 2 complete engines with busted blocks, I have a good spare block, should be enough parts for 1 complete engine. sheetmetal and fenders are excellent, will need tires. 1750 FOR SALE: C omplete 3 point hitch for Cockshutt 30, includes rockshaft and pump that goes under the seat, and extra pto. 500 obo 740-607-1074 leave message FOR SALE: 1953 Cockshutt 40 wide front for sale in upstate NY. Engine has about 60 hours on a rebuild but the tractor has been sitting out for quite awhile. I have all the tin which is is pretty good shape, including the battery box. Id like to get 1800 for it. I also have a set of wheel weights that can be had for a price. Call Jim (607) 532-4039 FOR SALE: Serial no. 50 101. Replaced crank, re-sleeved at standard, head job. New paint, new tires. First class restoration. From restoration shop straight to my air-conditioned basement. Never been shown. Never been in the sunlight except during delivery. Been covered in sheets amp blankets. 25,000.00 Marvin Rose 931-738-3035. WANTED: Looking for a Cockshutt 30 prefer narrow front, or possibly a Cockshutt 20 with most of the work done. Contact me at: iboersensbcglobal . Irv Boersen FOR SALE: Cockshutt Deluxe 40 Diesel PD, very straight, runs good 4,000 OBO needs paint. Cockshutt 20 Deluxe, runs excellent repainted 7,500 608-445-7361 or 608-437-5061 Tom Magnuson Mt Horeb WI FOR SALE: Restored 1230 rear mounted Cockshutt plow. 380 Phone: 419-422-9685 FOR SALE: I have a 1952 cockshutt 40 for sale. The tractor runs very good and doesnt leak even 1 drop. The tractor was also signed by a playboy playmate so its rare for sure as this is the only one I am looking for 6500. It also comes with tire chains and 6 foot blade in very good shape. Will also be willing to take trade and cash as well. Contact miketremblay1hotmail for more info. Smooth Rock Falls, Ontario Cockshutt 263 disc. 650.00 (1701)-270-0290. NICE Steven Smaaladen at steven. smaaladenicloud 1949, Cockshutt 30, restored and painted. Asking 3000.00 or best offer. Contact: Cameron Hart at 306-729-4913 or by email at cameron1937hotmail . 1950 Cockshutt 40 Deluxe, Gas, all restored and in good condition. Original paint color and decals. Asking 6500 but will take offers. Contact: Cameron Hart at 306-729-4913 or by email at cameron1937hotmail . 1956 Cockshutt 40 Deluxe Diesel. Also in good shape asking 5,500.00 or best offer. Contact: Cameron Hart at 306-729-4913 or by email at cameron1937hotmail . Set of rear wheel weights for Cockshutt 60 or Oliver 60. Part J 1235 Can bring to Athens tractor show.175 Cockshutt 11 Seeder for sale with original tires needing tubes. Collector reducing the collection. In quite good shape, always stored inside until I lost storage for it recently. 300.00 or best offer. Only 45 minutes to the Cockshutt show in Athens Ontario. Call 613-987-9967 or bngrantsympatico. ca Cockshutt 540 35 hp tractor with 3 ph and live power take off. Runs excellent and is over all in good shape with new tires all around. Asking 2700 or best offer. Can deliver to the Cockshutt show in Athens, Ontario. Call 613-987-9967 or bngrantsympatico. ca 1962 Cockshutt 550 Wheatland, gas. Tractor is in original condition with rebuilt starter, generator, carb, new brakes. Has remote hydraulics no three point. Runs good. 1942 Cockshutt 80 standard. older restoration, runs good crank start. Im asking 3,700 each. Photos available - Douglas Tilton - 908 618 2415 in Marlboro, NJ Ready for Restoration. Two Cockshutt E112B plows, 2 bottom 14 speed plows. One complete, one some parts missing. 500.00 OBO. C. W. Thompson, PH: 715 467 2737. All notices must include an E-mail Address Postal Address Telephone Number for contacting purposes. Notices are removed after a 3 month period but may be resubmitted if still current. Sales or contacts will be made directly between individuals and not through this web site or through the ICCI. Neither ICCI nor any of its members will be held responsible in any way for dealings carried out as a result of the notices posted here. Any notice considered unsuitable for posting on this page may be refused.

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